Vital Safety Tips for Wild Animal Encounters

Coyote Control 317-257-2290

Coyote Control 317-257-2290

In nature, a hiking trip, walk through the park, or other outdoor activity, may result in an encounter with a wild animal. A wild animal can be unpredictable at any moment, even if the species is familiar to you. Although we see squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and other living creatures in nature, we cannot trust a wild animal based on our familiarity with the species. They can be harmful and defensive if provoked in any way. Here are some tips and guidelines to follow if you ever encounter wild animals in nature.

⚠ Remain Calm

Understandably, this is easier said than done, but remaining calm can be the difference between life and death. An outburst of sudden panic can potentially be sensed by the animal, marking you as weak and easy prey. Also, a calm mind is a smarter and more alert mind. Staying calm will allow you to make better impulsive decisions.

⚠ Do Not Approach

If you see a wild animal of any kind, never attempt to approach it. Look afar and do not make eye contact. If you desperately want a closer look, use binoculars, otherwise just forget it. Moving about and attempting to get closer will bring you unwanted attention, and make the animal aware of your presence.

⚠ Back Away Slowly

If you have children with you, place them behind your back, and begin to back away slowly without making eye contact. Do not turn your back on the animal. You may choose to make yourself look bigger by placing your arms above your head, or spreading your jacket out above your head to appear more threatening. You only want to do this if this animal begins to approach you. Otherwise, just continue to back away slowly.

⚠ Do Not Run

There have been numerous studies on cases in which people have either run or stood motionless when faced with a dangerous wild animal. In most of the studies, it showed that running led to the more fatal outcomes, while remaining motionless resulted in more serious injuries. Running away triggers the animals’ natural and instinctive prey drive, and they will pursue whatever is running from them.

⚠ Scare Them Off

If the animal continues to pursue you after backing away slowly and following all of the steps above, it is time to take more aggressive action. Make yourself appear larger by implementing the arm and jacket trick mentioned above. Then yell and make loud noises directly at the animal. This can sometimes scare them away. Stomp your feet and pick up rocks, sticks and dirt and throw them at the wild animal until they run away. Stand your ground and if they continue to pursue, find anything to use as a weapon and be prepared to fight dirty. This means, if the animal actually attacks you, fight any way necessary. Gouge the eyes, snout, and any other weak spot on the animal. If all else fails, play dead until the animal loses interest in you.

Indianapolis Wildlife Animal Removal

Call 317-257-2290 for assistance with a nuisance wildlife problem on your property. We offer free estimates, DIY advice, discounts, raccoon cleanup services, attic restorations, structural damage repairs, wildlife proofing, prevention, extraction, exclusion, and much more! Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate for Indianapolis wildlife control, today.

Tips for Avoiding Dangerous Wildlife Encounters

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Wild animals can be a nuisance in our neighborhoods and communities. They tamper with our garbage, destroy our landscaping, and even vandalize our buildings and homes. This has become a common occurrence since much of forest wildlife has been forced to live among us due to the destruction of their natural habitats. Animals such as squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, deer, and skunks are among a few that have traded forest living for urban living. Although they are among us, there are ways to prevent them from entering near your home or garden.

Follow these simple tips to avoid wild animal encounters in your neighborhood.

Manage Your Waste

Raccoons and other animals are attracted to easy food sources in residential areas, and trash cans and garbage receptacles are just that. In order to keep animals away from your home, it is important to manage your waste. Be sure your trash cans are locked up in a shed or garage in between pickups. If they are ready to be taken outside, do not leave them out overnight. Raccoons are nocturnal, and they will still get to your trash. Take your trash out the morning of its scheduled pickup. If you have to put your trash out the night before, or do not have a shed or garage to store your receptacles in, you can still seal the lids on tightly. Use bungee cords or twist-on lids to keep them sealed up. If animals cannot reach your garbage, they will remember that your house or property is not a food source, and they will stop coming around.

Do Not Leave Pet Food Outside

Pet food for dogs, cats, or any other outdoor pet should be off limits to stray and wild animals. Do not leave your dog or cats’ food bowl out in the open where an animal can reach it. Leaving pet food out will send a message to wild animals that your property is a guaranteed feeding ground. This also can be true for birdfeeders and even dirty grills.

Eliminate Animal “Hang Outs”

Wild animals will be tempted to dwell around your home if there are desirable hiding places and potential nesting areas on your property. For example, wood and compost piles are great hiding spots for animals. Compost piles are a huge attraction for animals in general. Also, animals like to hide under porches, in sheds, decks, crawl spaces, and any other dim and secluded place they can access. By closing off these spots deters animals from wanting to use them for nesting.

Miscellaneous Methods

Devices that make noise or spray water, or devices that move, can help deter wild animals from coming onto your property. Also, trimming branches that reach your roof can prevent animals from accessing the roof as easily. It also reduces hiding spots. Lastly, be sure there are no openings, or weak and vulnerable spots on the exterior of the home. Animals will find a way into these areas and begin nesting. To prevent this, close up chimneys, patch up holes in the roof, and double check your side paneling.

Indianapolis Wild Animal Removal

Call our professionals today at 317-257-2290 when you need wild animal removal in Indianapolis, Indiana or its surrounding locations. We are licensed, insured, and certified wildlife control technicians that have over 20 years of experience in the business. We can protect your property from unsafe wild animal activity, and safely remove those that have gained access inside your home or building. Call 317-257-2290 for safe and humane wildlife removal and control services in Indianapolis, IN today.