Birds are a resilient species. As creatures of true flight, birds are good at protecting themselves since they are capable of choosing the most remote and out-of-reach places to nest. They have first pick of the tallest trees, natural landings, cliffs, and hillsides. And although this is good for survival purposes, it tends to pose a bit of a problem for homeowners since birds often choose to make their nests on roofs, and in gutters, chimneys, vents, and attics. These areas are the most common places to find bird infestations in both residential and commercial properties. Houses and buildings with tall trees surrounding their property or tree canopies covering their rooftops are at higher risk of nuisance bird problems.
If you suspect that birds might be a problem around your home, continue reading to learn the most common signs to look for, and what to do if you discover a bird infestation.

Hazards Posed By Bird Infestations
The top nuisance bird species in Indiana include pigeons, starlings, grackles, crows, and house sparrows, but woodpeckers, crows, and waterfowl follow closely behind. It is important to resolve a nuisance bird problem before it can turn into a destructive infestation. If you already have a bird infestation on your hands, it is equally important to get professional assistance as soon as possible. The longer you wait to remedy a bird infestation, the more damages can accumulate, which will add to the total cost and time it takes to renovate the mess.
More unfavorably, bird infestations can pose several health risks, including transmissible respiratory diseases and lung infections such as histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. They can also pose risks of lice, bird mites, fleas, and other parasite invasions. Bird eggs are also a target for snakes, which means a bird infestation can quickly lead to a nuisance snake problem too. Be sure you know the signs of a bird infestation.
Signs of a Bird Infestation
➳ Chirping Sounds in Walls
➳ Chirping Sounds in Chimney
➳ Chirping Sounds Coming From Attic
➳ Large Amounts of Bird Droppings in a Concentrated Area
➳ Evidence of Nests or Nesting Materials
➳ Swarms of Birds on the Roof or Nearby Power Lines
➳ Evidence of Pecking
➳ Increased Insect Activity
➳ Lice or Flea Outbreak
➳ Strong Lingering Odors
Bird Removal and Control in Indianapolis
Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis pigeon and woodpecker removal, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control specialists who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal services for all species of bird, excluding ducks and geese. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Request a free estimate, today.