How to Get Rid of a Dead Animal in Your Yard

If you live near wooded or forested areas, or a year-round body of water, it is very likely that you have a certain degree of wildlife activity on or around your property. In this case, it is also very likely that at some point in time, you may come across a dead animal. If this ever happens, the proper course of action will depend on the particular circumstances and various other factors.

Continue reading to learn what you should do if you find a dead animal on your property.

Dead Animal Removal in Indianapolis 317-257-2290
Dead Animal Removal in Indianapolis 317-257-2290

Dead Animal Removal Tips

The most important thing you need to know about finding a dead animal is that you should never, under any circumstances, attempt to touch or tamper with the carcass. All wild animals are possible carriers of several infectious diseases, illnesses, bacteria, and parasites, all of which can be transmitted to both people and pets. Some illnesses are fatal, such as the Rabies virus.

If you find a dead animal on or around your property, here is what you need to do:

The first step to take is to secure young children and pets away from the area. If the animal is outdoors, move all children and pets indoors, and be sure the area with the animal is not accessible to the public.

If the sight is offensive to anyone, cover the carcass with a large towel, sheet, or tarp, being very careful not to come close or touch it at all. Be sure to toss this cover into the trash after the carcass has been collected.

Next, you need to assess the situation. Do this by first identifying the species. If you have a wild animal, like a raccoon or bat, you would need to take a different route than if you had a dead cat, dog, goose, or duck.

If you have a deceased cat, dog, or waterfowl species on your property, you will need to contact your local animal control company. You can find this contact information online at your county’s official webpage, or by calling the local police station for a direct referral.

If you have a deceased wild animal on your property, you would need to contact a local and licensed Indianapolis Wildlife Control Company for prompt dead animal removal services. Many companies even offer 24 hour emergency service, or may be able to offer same-day or next-day assistance.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control

Call 317-257-2290 for wildlife removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and trained animal removal specialist with more than three decades of experience in the animal control and removal industry. We offer a wide range of services including animal proofing and animal prevention. Call our office today at 317-257-2290 for Indianapolis wildlife removal you can trust.

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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What You Need to Know Before Feeding Wild Animals

If you are someone who has great appreciation and admiration for wildlife, you might be compelled to feed them. Feeding ducks and geese your leftover bread loaves is one thing, but feeding the rest of the local animal population can lead to a load of problems. Continue reading to learn the do’s and don’ts of feeding wild animals around your house.

24 Hour Wildlife Control 317-257-2290
24 Hour Wildlife Control 317-257-2290

Wild Animals Will Always Be Wild

Although you find the wildlife around you cute and cuddly, they are nothing of the sort. When feeding wildlife, whether at the state park or your own backyard, never get too close nor trust them. Wild animals take thousands of years to domesticate, which is why dogs and cats are most loyal pets. If you think a squirrel will love you because you feed it, think again! Wild animals are unpredictable. So before you start feeding them, be sure you think it through.

You are Giving Them an Invitation

Furthermore, when you feed wild animals on your own property, you are fully inviting them onto your property. Now, you might think they will come for the food and then leave, but not all species of animal will do this. In fact, there are several species of wildlife that are smart, and will remember your home as a source of food. Rather than coming and going, they can choose to simply make your home their own.

Wild animals, like raccoons, opossum, birds, and squirrels can enter into houses and cause a long list of damages. Not only will they soil everything with their droppings and urine, they will tear everything to pieces, stain floors and ceilings, rip attic insulation, chew electrical wiring, and more. This can eventually happen if animals remember your home as a reliable and consistent source of food.

When it comes to feeding wildlife….

❌ DON’T:

❌ Use human food to feed wildlife.
❌ Use containers with narrow tops or openings that may suffocate animals.
❌ Attempt to touch, harm, trap, kill, or domesticate a wild animal.
❌ Do not attempt to hand-feed animals.
❌ Leave garbage cans open and available, overnight.

✅ DO:

✅ Use animal-specific feeders, such as bird feeders and squirrel feeders.
✅ Place feeders far away from your house and other houses and structures.
✅ Feed less during winter seasons so animals know to hibernate somewhere else.
✅ Contact a wildlife control company if animals become aggressive or annoying.

Indianapolis Wildlife Control Services

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis wildlife control, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control specialists who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal and abatement services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Request a free estimate, today.

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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How to Get Rid of Nuisance Snakes

Does the thought of seeing a snake slither through your garden or lawn give you the chills? Well if so, then you certainly would be alarmed if you found one looming in your home somewhere! Unfortunately, nuisance snake problems like these are more common in summer, as local snake populations are looking for dark, damp, cool places to hang out. Finding snakes all around the house, inside and out, is a frequent complaint among property owners this time of year. If you have already spotted a snake or two in your lawn, it is wise to take the necessary precautions to ensure it doesn’t become a problem.

Continue reading to learn some easy methods for protecting your property against nuisance snake threats and damages.

Snake Removal Control
Snake Removal Control 317-257-2290

Nuisance Snakes

Snakes in Indiana are not typically poisonous, so that is not something you need to worry too much about when it comes to spotting snakes on your property. In fact, there are only four species of snake that are poisonous in our state, which are Massasauga Rattlesnakes, Timber Rattlesnakes, Water Moccasins (also called Eastern Cottonmouths), and Northern Copperheads, See our article, “The Only 4 Poisonous Snake Species in Indiana” to learn more about each species. The most common species of nuisance snakes around Indiana are Corn snakes and Garter snakes, both of which are non-poisonous.

Although the majority of snakes you see around your neighborhood are non-poisonous, they are still a threat in many ways, which means you do not want them hanging around. For starters, snakes are smelly, and can produce lingering odors around your backyard, patio, porch, tree house, jungle gyms, and garage; these are some common areas they like to hide. Other common areas for snakes to hide include log and lumber piles, compost piles, mulch beds, gardens, unfinished basements, shrubs alongside foundations, attics, stream banks, long grass, under downspouts, beneath large rocks, and more.

Additionally, snakes can carry diseases, which can be transmitted to both people and pets. Last, if snakes are on your property, there is potential for them to make their way inside your home and cause a long list of unpleasant destruction. They can also lay eggs, which hatch quickly, so one snake can turn into many in a matter of weeks.

Snake Removal and Control Tips:

🐍 Kitty Litter – Sprinkle cat litter around your property where you know snakes are active. They do not like the course, dry material because it bothers their scales. So snakes will avoid kitty litter at all costs.

🐍 Homemade Repellent – You can make a safe, non-toxic snake repellant solution by combing rotten eggs, cayenne pepper, and water. However, these are pungent, so you may want an OTC product instead. Just be sure it is non-toxic.

🐍 Fencing – You can add chicken wire or fencing around gardens and snake hot spots, but this method is usually not successful all on its own. Combine fencing with repellant and other methods of snake control for best results.

🐍 Environmental Changes – You can remove the attractions that snakes are after, such as the areas mentioned before where snakes like to hide. Of course, you can’t get rid of everything, so incorporate other methods for effective results.

Professional Snake Removal and Control Services

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis snake removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife abatement specialists who offer a wide range of non-lethal snake abatement services for residential and commercial properties. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, free advice, and much more. Request a free estimate, today.

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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Where to Get Emergency Wildlife Control in Indianapolis

Wild animals are wild, so it is no surprise that they turn up to be a nuisance in residential and metropolitan settings. In some cases, wild animals can pose certain hazards, especially animals that are known for aggression or infectious disease. So if you have nuisance wildlife problems, the best course of action is to enlist the services of a DNR licensed and insured wildlife abatement company that can deliver prompt and workable solutions at a price you can afford.

So where can you get emergency wildlife control in Indianapolis? The answer is US!

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control

Contact our expert wildlife rescue and control specialists at 317-257-2290 for 24 hour emergency wildlife abatement services in Indianapolis and its surrounding areas. Not only are we DNR licensed and insured professionals with more than 3 decades of experience in the industry, we strictly operate in accordance to all local and national laws governing wildlife trapping, which means all of our methods are non-lethal, safe, and humane.

We are fully-equipped and prepared to undertake any animal removal job, large or small, and remain dedicated to safe and humane wildlife control. When you need prompt and professional animal removal services in Indianapolis, trust our licensed and insured wildlife rescue contractors for efficient and affordable solutions for both residential and commercial clientele.

Economy-Based Prices

In terms of affordability, you can trust us for honest quotes and workmanship, and economy-based pricing. After all, our ultimate goal as a company is to provide affordable and effective solutions for property owners dealing with wild animal infestations and damages.

As a locally-owned and operated business, we understand the true value of a dollar, which is why we are committed to maintaining fair and honest rates that everyone can afford. Furthermore, we work alongside several insurance carriers to perform homeowner’s insurance work.

More Reasons to Choose Us:

🥇 Hoosier Owned and Operated Since 1993
🥇 Commercial & Residential Service
🥇 Safe, Non-Lethal Methods
🥇 Fully-Licensed and Insured
🥇 Referred by the Humane Society of Indianapolis
🥇 Free Estimates
🥇 Free Advice

How to Get in Touch

Getting in touch with our Indianapolis wildlife removal representatives is simple. Just call our main office at 317-257-2290 and request a free quote or information pertaining to your animal issue. You can expect a prompt answer, a warm greeting, and real advice, on every call. We look forward to helping you in any way we can!

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

How to Prevent Wild Animals from Destroying Your Summer Garden

Every summer, the same trouble ensues. Gardeners all share the same enthusiasm for protecting their gardens and greenhouses from wild animals and critters. They also all share the same motivation in finding ways to prevent wild animals from destroying their luscious crops, wedding flowers, and plants. It is truly a prevalent and timeless struggle that all gardeners will face at some point in their favorite pastime.

Although we love nature’s creatures, animals such as squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, dear, snakes, chipmunks, gophers, groundhogs, moles, birds, and more can jeopardize harvests, flora, vegetation, and various other types of plant life in gardens. These animals are certainly the prime challenges for gardeners. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent these animals in nuisance wildlife from trespassing onto our properties and destroying our gardens yields and produce. Here are some tips that can help eliminate wild animal damages to gardens and more:

Natural Animal Repellents

There are various natural animal repellents and sprays on the market today that are safe to use on gardens, and humane to all animals and wildlife. They are fairly inexpensive and easy to find online or in home goods stores. They all work very well and are easy to apply. They all work differently, but each have their individual purposes. A few examples of recommended products on the market include Critter Ridder®, ShakeAway®, Liquid Fence®, and Deer Away®.

Human Hair

Surprisingly, applying two coats of human hair around the parameters of gardens and floral beds can prevent wild animals from coming around. It leaves wildlife to believe that your property is guarded by intimidating predators. Dog hair also works, but human hair works the best. If you don’t have any human hair to use, feel free to stop by your local barbershop and ask for their clippings. They might look at you funny, but once you explain, and will be pleasantly surprised and humored.

Note: Human hair naturally decomposes you don’t have to worry about cleanup or unsightly garden beds.

Hire a Professional Wildlife Control Company

One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your property from wildlife damage is to outsource professional wild animal removal services. They can implement proper strategies to prevent animals from trespassing onto your property, and destroying your garden. They are reasonably priced offers discounts, specials, and more. You should hire a reputable and licensed animal control company with experience and training.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal

Call 317-257-2290 for wildlife removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and trained animal removal specialist with more than three decades of experience in the animal control and removal industry. We offer a wide range of services including animal proofing and animal prevention. Call our office today at 317-257-2290 for Indianapolis wildlife removal you can trust.

How to Stop a Nuisance Chipmunk Problem

Chipmunks are furry, swift little mammals that closely resemble a small or baby squirrel. During this time of year, they can become a nuisance wildlife problem for home and property owners. Although adorable-looking and fun to watch, their behavior behind our backs can be quite naughty. They are most known for raiding vegetable gardens and flower beds, but chipmunks can be much naughtier than that! Continue reading to learn more about chipmunk nuisance behavior and how to stop it in its tracks.

Get Rid of Chipmunks

Chipmunks are omnivores. They raid garden beds to dine on insects, plant bulbs, and nuts. This is frustrating for gardeners who put so much time, money, and effort into creating their front and backyard masterpieces! Gardening is not cheap, flowers and plants are not cheap, and the work it requires to maintain them is tough. So homeowners want to protect them from nuisance wildlife like chipmunks. Here’s how they, and you, can accomplish this:

Chipmunk Traps

Although chipmunk traps can be non-lethal and effective, it is not recommended as a DIY approach for chipmunk control. Only trained and licensed wildlife control contractors should handle any wild animal. Never attempt to set a chipmunk trap, handle chipmunks, or harm or kill chipmunks and other wildlife.

Chipmunk Repellent

There are several types of chipmunk repellent available online and at local gardening stores. They can come in powder form, pellet form, aerosol form, and more. There are even homemade natural recipes for chipmunk repellent using soap, hot peppers, and garlic. Although relatively inexpensive, they are not very effective, nor permanent (requiring routine applications), and should be used as a temporary means of nuisance wildlife protection.

Structural Obstructions

You can choose to install certain structural obstructions, like rock walls and garden fencing, to thwart chipmunk presence. This can be a relatively inexpensive addition, or a large costly landscape change. It all depends on personal preference and the options you choose. A rock wall is more expensive than installing simple garden fence, and both range in quality and price.

Chipmunk Removal and Control

The most effective method to getting rid of a chipmunk problem is to hire a chipmunk removal and control company. They retain the proper licensing, training, equipment, and experience to get rid of chipmunks using safe and non-lethal methods. They use exclusion methods or trapping methods, or a combination of both, along with several other industry practices, to safely and humanely remove chipmunks and prevent their return. And all at economical prices!

Wildlife Animal Removal in Indianapolis

Call Wildlife Animal Removal at 317-257-2290 for chipmunk removal services in Indianapolis. We are DNR licensed and highly trained wildlife rescue and control technicians that use safe and humane practices to get rid of chipmunks around your residential or commercial property. We provide animal removal, control, and proofing at the most competitive prices in town! Call 317-257-2290 if you have a chipmunk problem in Indianapolis, IN.

Call Wildlife Rescue and Control for Animal Repair and Cleanup Services in Indianapolis!

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Here at Wildlife Rescue and Control, we are dedicated to quality, integrity, and customer support. We know just how damaging wild animals like raccoons and bats can be. Structural damages and messy leftovers from droppings, urine, breeding debris, nesting debris, and more, can cause a homeowner to feel overwhelmed with all the needed cleaning and repairing. And the thought of how much money and time will be spent accomplishing this feat can really add stress to a homeowner’s life.

Affordable Services You Can Trust

This is why we provide professional animal control cleanup and repair services for residential and commercial properties throughout Indianapolis. We retain the latest advancements in the animal control industry, as well as, the proper training, licenses, and experience to effectively remove a pest problem, as well as, implement efficient and effectual animal damage cleanup and minor attic and crawl space restorations or repairs at an affordable price.

As a locally owned and operated Hoosier company, we understand the value of a dollar, as well as, the importance of one’s budget. This is why we set our rates at an industry low, making them the most competitive in town! Not only do we offer honest and ethical prices you can afford, we offer free estimates, advice, and information anytime!

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal Services

Call us today at 317-257-2290 for Indianapolis wildlife removal services and information, or for animal cleanup and repairs. We manage and exclude all wildlife, including bats, raccoons, moles, rabbits, squirrels, snakes, and more. As highly trained and DNR licensed animal control specialists, you can trust that we can provide you with accurate information and top-quality service at a price you can afford, guaranteed! Call 317-257-2290 and speak with a friendly and knowledgeable wildlife control contractor about wildlife removal services in Indianapolis, IN today.

How to Solve a Nuisance Muskrat Problem

For anyone who owns property near a body of water, the term “muskrats” is a familiar one. This is because muskrats are semi-aquatic, wetland-dwelling rodents that live near rivers, streams, ponds, creeks, swamps, and similar bodies of water. So any homes or properties that sit on the water are likely to spot a muskrat or two on occasion. If they are unfortunate, they will experience a nuisance muskrat infestation, in which case, professional assistance would be needed. If you are a property owner experiencing a muskrat issue or infestation, continue reading and learn what your best options are for fast and effective muskrat removal and control.

Muskrat Removal

Learning more about muskrats is the first step to getting rid of an infestation or issue. This is because when you better understand their habits and nature, you can better combat future muskrat problems. So get to know your local Indiana muskrat first, then implement the necessary steps to stop them from trespassing onto your property. Here are a few facts that will help you do just that!

• Muskrats are Semi-Aquatic Rodents
• Muskrats are Omnivores
• They Live in Tunnels and Burrows Dug at the Shore of Ponds or Rivers
• Hunters Trap Muskrats for their Fur
• Their Dens are Destructive to Local Ponds and Dams
• They Smell Musky and Look Like Rats, Hence the Name “Muskrat”
• Muskrats Weigh 2 to 3 Pounds on Average
• Muskrats Lifespan is One to Three Years
• They Breed at Massive Rates in High Amounts!
• They Can Carry Infectious Diseases!

Now that you know a little more about these wetland rodents, you can better prepare yourself for what’s to come. That is, getting rid of them for good! Since they are rodents, like rodents they breed and multiply at alarming rates, so once you have one or two, you can expect the problem to continue to inflate unless something is done. This means some temporary remodeling of your shoreline. In order to remove a muskrat problem, you must remove whatever it is that attracts them to your pond. Typically things like cat tails, water lilies, and other plant life are tasty for muskrats, and they also attract smaller animals that muskrats feed on. By removing these variables, you can stop the presence of muskrats. You can also try traps and repellants, but these methods are tedious, temporary, and inhumane.

The most effective option for Indianapolis muskrat removal is to contact a local wildlife removal service for professional assistance and recommendation. They retain the proper training, tools, and equipment to diagnose a muskrat infestation and provide effective solutions to stop them from returning to your property.

Wildlife Removal Indianapolis

Call 317-257-2290 for fast and effective muskrat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control contractors never use lethal or inhumane methods on animals. And we offer a wide range of additional animal removal services at the most competitive prices in town. Call 317-257-2290 for a free estimate for muskrat removal and control in Indianapolis, IN today.

Home Owners’ Insurance and Attic Restorations from Animal Damage

Indianapolis Wild Animal Removal and Repair 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wild Animal Removal and Repair 317-257-2290

Often times enough, after wild animals invade your Indiana home, it’s the attics and crawl spaces that take the brunt of the damages left behind. When I say “damages” it’s worse than it actually sounds. The damages these Indiana wild animals cause, such as bats, squirrels, raccoons, birds, and other wildlife, are things like droppings, urine, nesting debris, and dead carcasses. This stuff can cause serious health issues if it is not cleaned and restored right away. These leftover messes can cause serious health issues, especially for people with weak or troubled immune systems. If you have a wildlife infestation in your home, attic, or crawl space, it is very important to get the areas inspected and restored by a professional wildlife removal company. Leftover bacteria and other messes can cause extensive structural damage to your Indiana home, as well as continue to pose a health threat to you and your family.

Attic Restorations from Animal Damage

If the house, crawl space, or attic does show evidence of infestation and damages from wildlife, then it is recommended that you hire a restoration and decontamination company to fix the areas by a licensed company in Indiana. These types of jobs are performed best by a professional animal removal company. They specialize specifically in animal damages and can work with your insurance companies as well. A regular cleaning company or contractor will not take the right steps to prevent an infestation from reoccurring, nor do they have the proper equipment and licenses to actually cure the problem. There are several animal removal companies to choose from, but a local Indiana owned animal removal business with at least ten years of experience is the best option to look for. The bigger wildlife removal companies are expensive and not customer-oriented, so trust a smaller animal control company.

Now, many home owners are not aware that their insurance company covers animal damages and infestations, however, there are always clauses on which type of animals are covered in your plan. It differs state to state and company to company, so always check with your insurance agent to be sure.

Cost of Animal Removal and Wildlife Damage Restoration

The cost of animal removal and structural repair usually depends on the square footage and the amount of damage of the areas contaminated. It is best to get an estimate first. Damage expenses can range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It can get more costly when things like electrical wiring, air conditioning ducts, and roof damage needs fixed.

Contamination is one thing, but damages are another. Animals like raccoons can cause structural damage in a very short amount of time. They are strong animals and tear through attic insulation, roofing, exposed wires, stored property and boxes, plumbing, and anything else exposed or within reach. These damages are costly as well. Don’t ever waste anytime correcting an animal infestation because the longer it’s there, the more expensive the repair.

Don’t wait to fix an animal invasion problem. And if you haven’t been invaded by animals yet, but live near wooded lots or trash receptacles, contact your home owners’ insurance company to see what your coverage is for animal damages. It is better to know where you’re protected and where you stand if your home, attic, or crawl space is damaged by wildlife.

Professional Wild Animal Removal Services in Indianapolis

For more information about wild animal damages and restoration in Indianapolis, call Wildlife Removal today. You can reach a professional wildlife removal and repair specialist, day or night, at 317-257-2290.  We are highly trained, licensed, and experienced animal control technicians that retain the industry knowledge and the latest technologies to safely and humanely remove wild animals from residential or commercial properties all over Indiana.  Visit our website at for more details about animal damages and insurance claims in Indianapolis, Indiana today.