What You Need to Know Before Feeding Wild Animals

If you are someone who has great appreciation and admiration for wildlife, you might be compelled to feed them. Feeding ducks and geese your leftover bread loaves is one thing, but feeding the rest of the local animal population can lead to a load of problems. Continue reading to learn the do’s and don’ts of feeding wild animals around your house.

24 Hour Wildlife Control 317-257-2290
24 Hour Wildlife Control 317-257-2290

Wild Animals Will Always Be Wild

Although you find the wildlife around you cute and cuddly, they are nothing of the sort. When feeding wildlife, whether at the state park or your own backyard, never get too close nor trust them. Wild animals take thousands of years to domesticate, which is why dogs and cats are most loyal pets. If you think a squirrel will love you because you feed it, think again! Wild animals are unpredictable. So before you start feeding them, be sure you think it through.

You are Giving Them an Invitation

Furthermore, when you feed wild animals on your own property, you are fully inviting them onto your property. Now, you might think they will come for the food and then leave, but not all species of animal will do this. In fact, there are several species of wildlife that are smart, and will remember your home as a source of food. Rather than coming and going, they can choose to simply make your home their own.

Wild animals, like raccoons, opossum, birds, and squirrels can enter into houses and cause a long list of damages. Not only will they soil everything with their droppings and urine, they will tear everything to pieces, stain floors and ceilings, rip attic insulation, chew electrical wiring, and more. This can eventually happen if animals remember your home as a reliable and consistent source of food.

When it comes to feeding wildlife….

❌ DON’T:

❌ Use human food to feed wildlife.
❌ Use containers with narrow tops or openings that may suffocate animals.
❌ Attempt to touch, harm, trap, kill, or domesticate a wild animal.
❌ Do not attempt to hand-feed animals.
❌ Leave garbage cans open and available, overnight.

✅ DO:

✅ Use animal-specific feeders, such as bird feeders and squirrel feeders.
✅ Place feeders far away from your house and other houses and structures.
✅ Feed less during winter seasons so animals know to hibernate somewhere else.
✅ Contact a wildlife control company if animals become aggressive or annoying.

Indianapolis Wildlife Control Services

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis wildlife control, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control specialists who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal and abatement services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Request a free estimate, today.

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A Safe and Natural Method for Getting Rid of Squirrels

Squirrels can be a real disaster. Not only are they excellent climbers, they have dexterous paws that allow them to grip and pry their way into trouble. As a result, they can quickly damage properties and become a nuisance in many ways. If you are experiencing an increase in squirrel activity around your property, put a stop to it before they can cause any problems for you. If you are currently dealing with nuisance squirrel problems, you’ll need a solution as well. Continue reading to learn how to get rid of squirrels in the safest and most natural way possible.

Natural Squirrel Repellent

You have several options when it comes to making an organic, homemade squirrel repellent. All you need is a clean plastic spray bottle and some simple household foods, spices and/or seasonings. You can use chili peppers, ground black pepper, hot peppers, ground cayenne pepper, and even hot sauce. Simply mix together water and a concentrated portion of spices to make a safe and non-lethal squirrel repellent spray. Once you have mixed the solution thoroughly, you can transfer it to your plastic spray bottle.

How to Use it

To use the repellent, simply spray the solution in the form of a perimeter around your property and along fence lines. Spray a perimeter around gardens, porches, decks, and garage doors. The solution will irritate squirrels, causing them create an aversion and distaste towards your property. Be careful using the solution around areas where pets play outdoors, as it can irritate or harm their eyes, nose, and skin. And also be sure to wear gloves while applying it, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. If you get the solution in your eyes, use clean cold water to rinse it out until you have relief from the burning. Consult a doctor if irritation or burning is severe or lasts longer than a few minutes.

Never Poison, Trap, or Harm Squirrels

Always use safe and humane methods to control nuisance squirrels. Never attempt to catch, trap, harm, or kill a squirrel. This natural squirrel repellent is a great method for keeping squirrels away and protecting your property, safely and humanely. Contact a wildlife removal company if your squirrel problem persists. They can provide non-lethal squirrel removal and control services for commercial and residential properties.

Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control

Call 317-257-2290 for squirrel removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue contractors that offer a wide range of residential and commercial wild animal removal services at affordable prices. We are happy to provide free estimates and more, anytime. Call 317-257-2290 to request an estimate for Indianapolis squirrel removal services, today.