3 Signs You Have Nesting Birds Somewhere on Your Property

There are three common signs that tell you birds are nesting nearby on your property. This is not always a bad situation, so long as birds do not become a nuisance to your home or building. However, if you have nesting birds on your property, the chances of developing a bird infestation problem in your chimney, attic, and rooftop is much higher.

It is wise to contact a local and licensed Indianapolis wildlife control company for professional bird-proofing services you can trust. But before you pick up the phone to schedule an on-site inspection, take a closer look at your property to see if the signs of nesting are present.

Continue reading to learn what to look, and listen for!

Pigeon/Woodpecker Removal and Control 317-257-2290
Pigeon/Woodpecker Removal and Control 317-257-2290

Natural Habitats for Indiana Birds

Bird nests are usually camouflaged in nature, or at least the best ones are. Since it is not likely that you will be able to spot one with your eyes, you have to pay close attention to other signs. First, if you have a property full of bushes, shrubs, trees, and overgrown flora, there is a much higher chance that birds are living nearby. If you live near a body of water, like a pond or creek, you can increase those chances even more. 

Top 3 Signs to Look For:

❶ Destruction and Damage

Birds require materials to build their nests, so they will wander around your property collecting items like grass, feathers, trash, and more. Look for torn up grass, grass clippings, de-threaded rugs, ripped window screens, and down feather debris. These items are common materials used to build bird nests in urban areas. If you happen to see a bird with a beak full of similar materials, keep an eye on it to see where it goes. Hopefully, it heads to a bush or tree, rather than your roof or chimney.

❷ Concentrated Activity

Birds do not hang out in places without a good reason. If there is a concentration of bird activity on your property, but there is no bird feeder or bath nearby, it is highly likely that you have found their nesting area. Watch to see birds take flight to and from this area to get an idea of where the nest could be. Be especially on the lookout for pigeons and woodpeckers, as these native Indiana birds are known to settle quickly before winter comes.

❸ Excessive Bird Chatter

Birds make noises, and most often, we enjoy the sounds of their chirps, chatter, and songs. But if you notice excessive bird noise on your property that sounds more like racket than harmony, it could be because you have a colony of birds nesting nearby. In fact, if you hear nasal whining sounds, it is likely baby birds hankering to be fed. Also, woodpeckers can be quite noisy with their incessant knocking and tapping noises, which can do a lot of damage to your home’s siding, roof, and more.

Nuisance Bird Control in Indianapolis

Call 317-257-2290 for safe and humane pigeon and woodpecker removal and control assistance in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue contractors that offer a wide range of residential and commercial bird animal removal services at the most affordable prices around. We are happy to provide free estimates, anytime. Just give us a call to get started on a chirp-free fall and winter!

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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What You Need to Know Before Feeding Wild Animals

If you are someone who has great appreciation and admiration for wildlife, you might be compelled to feed them. Feeding ducks and geese your leftover bread loaves is one thing, but feeding the rest of the local animal population can lead to a load of problems. Continue reading to learn the do’s and don’ts of feeding wild animals around your house.

24 Hour Wildlife Control 317-257-2290
24 Hour Wildlife Control 317-257-2290

Wild Animals Will Always Be Wild

Although you find the wildlife around you cute and cuddly, they are nothing of the sort. When feeding wildlife, whether at the state park or your own backyard, never get too close nor trust them. Wild animals take thousands of years to domesticate, which is why dogs and cats are most loyal pets. If you think a squirrel will love you because you feed it, think again! Wild animals are unpredictable. So before you start feeding them, be sure you think it through.

You are Giving Them an Invitation

Furthermore, when you feed wild animals on your own property, you are fully inviting them onto your property. Now, you might think they will come for the food and then leave, but not all species of animal will do this. In fact, there are several species of wildlife that are smart, and will remember your home as a source of food. Rather than coming and going, they can choose to simply make your home their own.

Wild animals, like raccoons, opossum, birds, and squirrels can enter into houses and cause a long list of damages. Not only will they soil everything with their droppings and urine, they will tear everything to pieces, stain floors and ceilings, rip attic insulation, chew electrical wiring, and more. This can eventually happen if animals remember your home as a reliable and consistent source of food.

When it comes to feeding wildlife….

❌ DON’T:

❌ Use human food to feed wildlife.
❌ Use containers with narrow tops or openings that may suffocate animals.
❌ Attempt to touch, harm, trap, kill, or domesticate a wild animal.
❌ Do not attempt to hand-feed animals.
❌ Leave garbage cans open and available, overnight.

✅ DO:

✅ Use animal-specific feeders, such as bird feeders and squirrel feeders.
✅ Place feeders far away from your house and other houses and structures.
✅ Feed less during winter seasons so animals know to hibernate somewhere else.
✅ Contact a wildlife control company if animals become aggressive or annoying.

Indianapolis Wildlife Control Services

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis wildlife control, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control specialists who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal and abatement services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Request a free estimate, today.

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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How to Get Rid of Nuisance Snakes

Does the thought of seeing a snake slither through your garden or lawn give you the chills? Well if so, then you certainly would be alarmed if you found one looming in your home somewhere! Unfortunately, nuisance snake problems like these are more common in summer, as local snake populations are looking for dark, damp, cool places to hang out. Finding snakes all around the house, inside and out, is a frequent complaint among property owners this time of year. If you have already spotted a snake or two in your lawn, it is wise to take the necessary precautions to ensure it doesn’t become a problem.

Continue reading to learn some easy methods for protecting your property against nuisance snake threats and damages.

Snake Removal Control
Snake Removal Control 317-257-2290

Nuisance Snakes

Snakes in Indiana are not typically poisonous, so that is not something you need to worry too much about when it comes to spotting snakes on your property. In fact, there are only four species of snake that are poisonous in our state, which are Massasauga Rattlesnakes, Timber Rattlesnakes, Water Moccasins (also called Eastern Cottonmouths), and Northern Copperheads, See our article, “The Only 4 Poisonous Snake Species in Indiana” to learn more about each species. The most common species of nuisance snakes around Indiana are Corn snakes and Garter snakes, both of which are non-poisonous.

Although the majority of snakes you see around your neighborhood are non-poisonous, they are still a threat in many ways, which means you do not want them hanging around. For starters, snakes are smelly, and can produce lingering odors around your backyard, patio, porch, tree house, jungle gyms, and garage; these are some common areas they like to hide. Other common areas for snakes to hide include log and lumber piles, compost piles, mulch beds, gardens, unfinished basements, shrubs alongside foundations, attics, stream banks, long grass, under downspouts, beneath large rocks, and more.

Additionally, snakes can carry diseases, which can be transmitted to both people and pets. Last, if snakes are on your property, there is potential for them to make their way inside your home and cause a long list of unpleasant destruction. They can also lay eggs, which hatch quickly, so one snake can turn into many in a matter of weeks.

Snake Removal and Control Tips:

🐍 Kitty Litter – Sprinkle cat litter around your property where you know snakes are active. They do not like the course, dry material because it bothers their scales. So snakes will avoid kitty litter at all costs.

🐍 Homemade Repellent – You can make a safe, non-toxic snake repellant solution by combing rotten eggs, cayenne pepper, and water. However, these are pungent, so you may want an OTC product instead. Just be sure it is non-toxic.

🐍 Fencing – You can add chicken wire or fencing around gardens and snake hot spots, but this method is usually not successful all on its own. Combine fencing with repellant and other methods of snake control for best results.

🐍 Environmental Changes – You can remove the attractions that snakes are after, such as the areas mentioned before where snakes like to hide. Of course, you can’t get rid of everything, so incorporate other methods for effective results.

Professional Snake Removal and Control Services

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis snake removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife abatement specialists who offer a wide range of non-lethal snake abatement services for residential and commercial properties. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, free advice, and much more. Request a free estimate, today.

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis Indiana
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A Recipe for Non-Toxic Animal Repellent

If you have some minor nuisance wildlife problems in or around your property, you could benefit from a simply, do-it-yourself approach to animal control. All you have to do is make a few environmental modifications and then set an invisible boundary they won’t want to cross even if they could. How can you do this? It’s simple; just make your own homemade animal repellent spray!

Continue reading to learn an effective animal repellent recipe that is eco-friendly and non-toxic to all living organisms.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal and Control 317-257-2290

Materials and Supplies

You will need to take a look around your house before making a trip to the store since many of the ingredients in this homemade repellent are common items you are likely to have around the house already. Depending on your circumstance, you can use one or more ingredients listed below to adjust the strength of your repellent. Here is what you will need:

Plastic Spray Bottle
Clean Water
Household Spices:
Hot Sauce
Cayenne Pepper
Black Pepper
Chili Powder
Garlic Powder
Essential Oils:
Personal Protective Gear (optional)

Getting Started:

Begin by choosing which ingredients you would like to use in your solution. It is important to use at least one type of oil to promote better adherence. If you do not have any essential oils in the scents listed above, you can use any oil you like, including regular vegetable oil. Choose a combination of at least 2 ingredients for best results.

Next, prepare yourself for safety by donning some personal protective gear. Although optional, you might want to consider wearing gloves or eye goggles if you are working with pepper products. These ingredients can potentially irritate the skin, eyes, mouth, throat, and nose.

You are now ready to make your repellent. Simple combine your ingredients into a clean plastic spray bottle, and then add enough water to make a solution. Do not add too much water, otherwise, you may dilute the power of the solution. If you do add too much water, simply add more ingredients to balance it back out.

You next step is to distribute. Animals hate the strong scents and sensations these ingredients give them, so they will steer clear of any points of saturation. So using your spray, apply the solution around the perimeter of your property, as well as, in areas where you have noticed heightened animal activity.

Important Note: This solution is safe and non-toxic, so you won’t have to worry about damaging your lawn or garden, nor harming wildlife. However, be sure to make arrangements for children, as well as pets like cats and dogs, since the ingredients in the solution can irritate their skin, eyes, nose, and throat. Keep them away from treated areas for their own safety.

If Your Nuisance Animal Problem Persists…

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis wildlife removal, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control specialists who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Request a free estimate, today.

The Basics Behind Wild Animal Removal

Wild animal removal is a job that should be carried out by a professional company that has all the necessary certifications and licenses. There are several situations that can occur that would leave someone in need of animal removal services. Animals like squirrels and rabbits can destroy crops and gardens, while bats and raccoons can take attics hostage. There are solutions to all these wild animal invasion issues; you just have to look in the right place.

Wildlife Removal Services 317-257-2290

Wildlife Removal Services 317-257-2290

Animals Removed Most Often

The most common animals that need removing from residential and commercial properties are bats, raccoons, and squirrels. Of course, depending on the region you live in, there are many more and may differ as far as the most common. In dry States like Arizona, snakes and armadillos are more common that raccoons and squirrels. However, in the northern part of the country, raccoons, bats, squirrels, and a few more are common animals that require control in these communities.

A professional wildlife removal company can get calls about beavers, mole, snakes, bird, chipmunks, and rabbits, but the most common stands as the raccoons, bats, and squirrels. These are the most common animals that become a nuisance and require removal because they are the ones who like to nest and burrow in safe and dark places. Places like residential neighborhoods, attics, crawl spaces, and roof tops. These animals look for shelter during their breeding stages of life. They search for warm, secure areas that are safe from their predators.

How Are They Controlled?

A professional team of wildlife removal and control contractors should be called in to handle any nuisance wildlife issue. They have the proper equipment and experience to handle these common nuisances. Not only will they use the right tools and equipment, they are knowledgeable in safe methods and techniques to capture these animals and prevent their return. A professional company, depending on their level of expertise and professionalism, may use hidden cameras, snares, traps, cages, and bait techniques to capture the wild animal.

Depending on the state law, they will either remove and relocate the animal invader, or exterminate them. Bats are usually protected by majority state law, meaning they will be transferred to a rescue facility or preservation ward. However, few laws protect raccoons and squirrels, so the animal removal companies have humane ways of exterminating these creatures. There is a lot to know before taking action against a wild animal in your home or building.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Call 317-257-2290 for wildlife removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and trained animal removal specialist with more than three decades of experience in the animal control and removal industry. We offer a wide range of services including animal proofing and animal prevention. Call our office today at 317-257-2290 for Indianapolis wildlife removal you can trust.

Vital Safety Tips for Wild Animal Encounters

Coyote Control 317-257-2290

Coyote Control 317-257-2290

In nature, a hiking trip, walk through the park, or other outdoor activity, may result in an encounter with a wild animal. A wild animal can be unpredictable at any moment, even if the species is familiar to you. Although we see squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and other living creatures in nature, we cannot trust a wild animal based on our familiarity with the species. They can be harmful and defensive if provoked in any way. Here are some tips and guidelines to follow if you ever encounter wild animals in nature.

⚠ Remain Calm

Understandably, this is easier said than done, but remaining calm can be the difference between life and death. An outburst of sudden panic can potentially be sensed by the animal, marking you as weak and easy prey. Also, a calm mind is a smarter and more alert mind. Staying calm will allow you to make better impulsive decisions.

⚠ Do Not Approach

If you see a wild animal of any kind, never attempt to approach it. Look afar and do not make eye contact. If you desperately want a closer look, use binoculars, otherwise just forget it. Moving about and attempting to get closer will bring you unwanted attention, and make the animal aware of your presence.

⚠ Back Away Slowly

If you have children with you, place them behind your back, and begin to back away slowly without making eye contact. Do not turn your back on the animal. You may choose to make yourself look bigger by placing your arms above your head, or spreading your jacket out above your head to appear more threatening. You only want to do this if this animal begins to approach you. Otherwise, just continue to back away slowly.

⚠ Do Not Run

There have been numerous studies on cases in which people have either run or stood motionless when faced with a dangerous wild animal. In most of the studies, it showed that running led to the more fatal outcomes, while remaining motionless resulted in more serious injuries. Running away triggers the animals’ natural and instinctive prey drive, and they will pursue whatever is running from them.

⚠ Scare Them Off

If the animal continues to pursue you after backing away slowly and following all of the steps above, it is time to take more aggressive action. Make yourself appear larger by implementing the arm and jacket trick mentioned above. Then yell and make loud noises directly at the animal. This can sometimes scare them away. Stomp your feet and pick up rocks, sticks and dirt and throw them at the wild animal until they run away. Stand your ground and if they continue to pursue, find anything to use as a weapon and be prepared to fight dirty. This means, if the animal actually attacks you, fight any way necessary. Gouge the eyes, snout, and any other weak spot on the animal. If all else fails, play dead until the animal loses interest in you.

Indianapolis Wildlife Animal Removal

Call 317-257-2290 for assistance with a nuisance wildlife problem on your property. We offer free estimates, DIY advice, discounts, raccoon cleanup services, attic restorations, structural damage repairs, wildlife proofing, prevention, extraction, exclusion, and much more! Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate for Indianapolis wildlife control, today.

Tips for Avoiding Dangerous Wildlife Encounters

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Wild animals can be a nuisance in our neighborhoods and communities. They tamper with our garbage, destroy our landscaping, and even vandalize our buildings and homes. This has become a common occurrence since much of forest wildlife has been forced to live among us due to the destruction of their natural habitats. Animals such as squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, deer, and skunks are among a few that have traded forest living for urban living. Although they are among us, there are ways to prevent them from entering near your home or garden.

Follow these simple tips to avoid wild animal encounters in your neighborhood.

Manage Your Waste

Raccoons and other animals are attracted to easy food sources in residential areas, and trash cans and garbage receptacles are just that. In order to keep animals away from your home, it is important to manage your waste. Be sure your trash cans are locked up in a shed or garage in between pickups. If they are ready to be taken outside, do not leave them out overnight. Raccoons are nocturnal, and they will still get to your trash. Take your trash out the morning of its scheduled pickup. If you have to put your trash out the night before, or do not have a shed or garage to store your receptacles in, you can still seal the lids on tightly. Use bungee cords or twist-on lids to keep them sealed up. If animals cannot reach your garbage, they will remember that your house or property is not a food source, and they will stop coming around.

Do Not Leave Pet Food Outside

Pet food for dogs, cats, or any other outdoor pet should be off limits to stray and wild animals. Do not leave your dog or cats’ food bowl out in the open where an animal can reach it. Leaving pet food out will send a message to wild animals that your property is a guaranteed feeding ground. This also can be true for birdfeeders and even dirty grills.

Eliminate Animal “Hang Outs”

Wild animals will be tempted to dwell around your home if there are desirable hiding places and potential nesting areas on your property. For example, wood and compost piles are great hiding spots for animals. Compost piles are a huge attraction for animals in general. Also, animals like to hide under porches, in sheds, decks, crawl spaces, and any other dim and secluded place they can access. By closing off these spots deters animals from wanting to use them for nesting.

Miscellaneous Methods

Devices that make noise or spray water, or devices that move, can help deter wild animals from coming onto your property. Also, trimming branches that reach your roof can prevent animals from accessing the roof as easily. It also reduces hiding spots. Lastly, be sure there are no openings, or weak and vulnerable spots on the exterior of the home. Animals will find a way into these areas and begin nesting. To prevent this, close up chimneys, patch up holes in the roof, and double check your side paneling.

Indianapolis Wild Animal Removal

Call our professionals today at 317-257-2290 when you need wild animal removal in Indianapolis, Indiana or its surrounding locations. We are licensed, insured, and certified wildlife control technicians that have over 20 years of experience in the business. We can protect your property from unsafe wild animal activity, and safely remove those that have gained access inside your home or building. Call 317-257-2290 for safe and humane wildlife removal and control services in Indianapolis, IN today.

Why ‘Do It Yourself’ Wildlife Removal Doesn’t Work

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Undertaking and completing a ‘Do It Yourself’ project can give a person a powerful sense of personal accomplishment. After all, who doesn’t like solving problems and saving money at the same time? But some DIY projects are better left in the hands of experienced professionals; and one of those jobs is wildlife removal and control. Continue reading to learn why you should never attempt animal removal work on your own, and the risks involved if you do.


Safety is the number one reason why a person should never attempt animal removal work on their own. There are several tools and supplies needed for certain wildlife control projects that are unfamiliar to anyone outside of the industry. These tools can seriously injure a person, and even jeopardize the structural integrity of a home, if used improperly. The animals can also be dangerous, mostly because they are unpredictable. Wildlife are susceptible to diseases that are dangerous and contagious to humans and pets. These infectious diseases can be contracted through saliva, feces, blood, and more. When a person is unfamiliar with handling wildlife, and unfamiliar with particular species behavior, they can put themselves in grave danger.

Not only can wildlife pass along infectious diseases, the repercussions of their presence can make humans and pets sick as well. For example, roosting bats leave behind abundant amounts of guano, which can grow fungus. This fungus releases spores into the air that can be breathed in by humans and pets. It is a respiratory illness called Histoplasmosis that causes difficulty breathing and fungus growth in the blood stream. If a person does not have the proper equipment, and is not trained on proper
methods, they cannot properly eliminate
hazards left behind by wildlife.

The Law

Not only is ‘DIY’ wildlife removal and control unsafe, it is mostly illegal. Most states do not allow people to trap, harm, catch, or kill wildlife without proper permits and licenses. Professional wildlife rescue and control companies retain the proper tools, training, experience, and licensing to provide humane wild animal extraction, exclusion, prevention, and control. Humane methods of wildlife removal are important, and professionals are trained on how to do it properly. They also have the proper resources to relocate and rehabilitate wildlife in faraway, safe habitats.

Don’t sacrifice your personal health and the health of those around you. Leave wildlife removal to the experts at all costs. It is a decision you will never regret!

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal

Call 317-257-2290 for professional DNR licensed wildlife removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have decades of experience in the wildlife control industry, handling raccoons, bats, skunks, opossum, squirrels, and more. We provide safe and humane wildlife removal services for residential and commercial properties, all at the most competitive prices in town. Call 317-257-2290 to get affordable and professional wild animal removal services in Indianapolis, IN today.

Dealing with Woodpecker Problems?

Woodpeckers are an interesting breed of bird that have earned themselves a bad reputation in urban neighborhoods. Although highly beneficial parts of our surrounding ecosystem, woodpeckers are a real nuisance for home and business owners. Not only are they noisy, they also leave behind unsightly structural damage to homes, sheds, buildings, and even trees. If you are experiencing a woodpecker problem, it is time to learn how to manage it safely and effectively. Continue reading to learn more about woodpeckers, and how to get rid of them on your property.


There are three main reasons why woodpeckers peck: foraging for food, marking their territory, and chiseling for shelter. All three of these initiatives are carried out with a different type of pecking manner, the most damaging of which is excavating for shelter. Woodpeckers can cause an extreme amount of damage to siding and wood structures on residential and commercial properties with these pecking behaviors. They leave behind large, hollow pecking holes that are distinctive to woodpecker damage.

Fortunately, there are safe and simple ways to get rid of woodpeckers without harming or killing them. In fact, it is important to know that woodpeckers are protected by state and federal laws. It is illegal and highly immoral to trap, harm, shoot, or kill woodpeckers without the proper licenses. The only authorized personnel permitted to deal with woodpecker control is wildlife rescue contractors.

Getting Rid of Woodpeckers

You have a few options, in terms of deterrents, when it comes to getting rid of woodpeckers. You can choose to use tactile deterrents, visual deterrents, or sound deterrents to thwart woodpecker activity on your property. All three of these methods are non-lethal to birds and other animals, and relatively inexpensive to purchase.

Tactile Deterrents – There are products available on the market that are designed to adhere to woodpeckers’ down feather or fluff, preventing them from being able to fly or stay warm. These sticky repellents are not a good option since they put woodpeckers in danger and cause them to suffer. It is only recommended to use these products for extreme cases of woodpecker infestation. Examples of brands available include Bird Stop, Roost-No-More, and Tanglefoot Pest Control.

Visual Deterrents – Also a much safer approach, visual deterrents tend to work very well. Things like aluminum foil or reflective tape strips are frightening to woodpeckers. Hanging strips of aluminum foil, or using products like Irri-Tape, can thwart woodpecker presence overnight. Hang them long enough to blow in the breeze for best results. Also consider hanging windsocks, handheld windmills, and even plastic owls.

Sound Deterrents – Using sound machines that mimic common woodpecker predators, like hawks, can work well. The BirdXPeller Pro sound machine uses a woodpecker distress call followed by a Sharp-shinned Hawk call to scare woodpeckers away. Using sound deterrents works very well, especially when coupled with visual deterrents as well.

Woodpecker Removal and Control

Call Wildlife Removal Indianapolis at 317-247-2290 for safe and humane woodpecker removal and control. We are DNR licensed wildlife rescue contractors that provide a wide range of animal control services for both residential and commercial properties. We offer wildlife removal, animal damage repair, animal cleanup services, and much more. Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional woodpecker removal services in Indianapolis, IN today.

How to Remove Skunk Smell from Absolutely Anything

Removing skunk smell is known to be a difficult and tedious task, but there are so many myths associated with skunk smell removal, it’s important to learn what really works. If you live in an area that is frequently populated by skunks, then it is in your best interest to read this article on how to remove skunk smell from you, your clothes, and even your dog!

Skunk Smell Removal

Although skunks are fascinating creatures, they have a bad reputation for their natural methods of self-defense. When a skunk feels threatened, it releases a spray of natural oils at their predator. This skunk oil is potent, and has a very distinct odor that is widely recognized throughout America. The oil is thick and latches onto fur, and seeps into skin and clothing immediately. It has a smell that can only be described as putrid and sour.

Removing this oil is the key to getting rid of skunk odor. The problem is, removing skunk oil is very hard to do. It has long time been suggested to soak in a bath of tomato juice. This remedy came about by the idea that the acid in tomato juice neutralizes the chemicals that produce the odor in skunk oil. This is a home remedy that has not been very effective. It can also dye a dog’s fur, stain clothing, and even stain bathtubs. This approach is very messy and is not recommended.

If you prefer to use a home remedy to remove skunk oil and smell, there are several variations of solutions that can be mixed an applied to the contaminated areas. This solution is basically made up of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, dish soap, and sometimes apple cider vinegar. One variation of the recipe is as follows:

One Pint of Peroxide, Half a Cup of Baking Soda, Two Tablespoons of Dish Soap, & an Entire Bottle of Cider Vinegar

It is suggested to mix the solutions together and apply it to your skin or dog’s fur. Allow it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse and repeat. There is no set amount of times to rinse and repeat. It depends on the degree of saturation and size of the soiled area. You may have to repeat this bathing process five to ten times before alleviating the skunk smell. Even after many tries, you may not be able to remove it completely, but it will be drastically less noticeable than before. There’s no need to panic if it doesn’t come out completely, skunk odor is not permanent and will eventually fade away.

If a home solution is not your idea of reliable skunk removal, then you can look at retail options. There are many skunk odor removal products on the market today. Most of these products can be purchased in pet stores, home good stores, hunting shops, and online. Not all of them are proven 100% effective, so be sure to read labels and ask questions before purchasing a skunk removal product.

Indianapolis Skunk Removal Services

Call Wildlife Rescue and Control at 317-257-2290 for skunk removal services in Indianapolis, IN. We are DNR licensed and insured skunk removal and control experts that have decades of experience working with skunks. We offer a wide range of wildlife removal services for all nuisance animals, including skunks. Our DNR licensed wildlife contractors provide removal, minor structural damage repair, cleanup services, prevention, and more. Call 317-257-2290 for safe and humane skunk removal and control in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.