Does the thought of seeing a snake slither through your garden or lawn give you the chills? Well if so, then you certainly would be alarmed if you found one looming in your home somewhere! Unfortunately, nuisance snake problems like these are more common in summer, as local snake populations are looking for dark, damp, cool places to hang out. Finding snakes all around the house, inside and out, is a frequent complaint among property owners this time of year. If you have already spotted a snake or two in your lawn, it is wise to take the necessary precautions to ensure it doesn’t become a problem.
Continue reading to learn some easy methods for protecting your property against nuisance snake threats and damages.

Nuisance Snakes
Snakes in Indiana are not typically poisonous, so that is not something you need to worry too much about when it comes to spotting snakes on your property. In fact, there are only four species of snake that are poisonous in our state, which are Massasauga Rattlesnakes, Timber Rattlesnakes, Water Moccasins (also called Eastern Cottonmouths), and Northern Copperheads, See our article, “The Only 4 Poisonous Snake Species in Indiana” to learn more about each species. The most common species of nuisance snakes around Indiana are Corn snakes and Garter snakes, both of which are non-poisonous.
Although the majority of snakes you see around your neighborhood are non-poisonous, they are still a threat in many ways, which means you do not want them hanging around. For starters, snakes are smelly, and can produce lingering odors around your backyard, patio, porch, tree house, jungle gyms, and garage; these are some common areas they like to hide. Other common areas for snakes to hide include log and lumber piles, compost piles, mulch beds, gardens, unfinished basements, shrubs alongside foundations, attics, stream banks, long grass, under downspouts, beneath large rocks, and more.
Additionally, snakes can carry diseases, which can be transmitted to both people and pets. Last, if snakes are on your property, there is potential for them to make their way inside your home and cause a long list of unpleasant destruction. They can also lay eggs, which hatch quickly, so one snake can turn into many in a matter of weeks.
Snake Removal and Control Tips:
🐍 Kitty Litter – Sprinkle cat litter around your property where you know snakes are active. They do not like the course, dry material because it bothers their scales. So snakes will avoid kitty litter at all costs.
🐍 Homemade Repellent – You can make a safe, non-toxic snake repellant solution by combing rotten eggs, cayenne pepper, and water. However, these are pungent, so you may want an OTC product instead. Just be sure it is non-toxic.
🐍 Fencing – You can add chicken wire or fencing around gardens and snake hot spots, but this method is usually not successful all on its own. Combine fencing with repellant and other methods of snake control for best results.
🐍 Environmental Changes – You can remove the attractions that snakes are after, such as the areas mentioned before where snakes like to hide. Of course, you can’t get rid of everything, so incorporate other methods for effective results.
Professional Snake Removal and Control Services
Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis snake removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife abatement specialists who offer a wide range of non-lethal snake abatement services for residential and commercial properties. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, free advice, and much more. Request a free estimate, today.