Is Your Home Infested With Raccoons?

Learn how to identify a raccoon infestation or nuisance problem in and around your property. Whether commercial or residential, raccoons can cause an extreme disturbance. Be sure to act fast if nuisance raccoons are an issue for you. Continue reading for tips on identifying signs of raccoon infestation and activity, as well as, what to do if you have raccoons in the attic or other area.

Raccoon Removal Control Louisville Kentucky
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-257-2290

Nuisance Raccoon Interference

Wild raccoons can pose a number of threats to your property, inside and out. Thousands of homeowners all across the nation have dealt with the costly repairs and repercussions of a raccoon infestation or wild animal damages. It is important to know how to identify the presence of raccoons before they cause damage to your property.

Restrict their opportunity to destroy your gardens, home structure, foundations, crawl spaces, attics, garages, tool sheds, rooftops, and more. Get your confidence back as a home or property owner, and learn to recognize a raccoon colony or potential infestation before these areas and assets are damaged. 

Common Raccoon Damages

Raccoons like to hide and seek shelter in warm dark areas; such as the ones mentioned above: attics, crawl spaces, garages, sheds, swimming pool covers, roof tops, gutters, shingles, under porches, beneath decks, patios, hollow trees, and more. They are intelligent creatures that can remember locations with good food and shelter sources. If your property provides this type of sough-out solace, you may be unintentionally inviting wild raccoons inside.

Here are the clues to look for that indicate raccoons are nearby or trespassing onto your property:

✅ Strong Urine Odors
✅ Pillaged Garbage Cans
✅ Missing Pet Food
✅ Torn Roof Shingles
✅ Pried Wood Beams
✅ Raccoon Droppings
✅ Strange Noises at Night
✅ Ripped or Soiled Attic Insulation

Preventing Raccoon Activity

There are several more signs that tell you raccoons are nearby. The best way to handle this situation is to remove the things that keep them interested. For example, do not leave pet dishes outside. Pet food is the ultimate treat for raccoons. It’s tasty and very nutritious.

Also, do not take your garbage cans outside the night before trash day. Raccoons are nocturnal and use the nighttime to seek out food sources; like garbage and pet food. Squirrel feeders, bird feeders, and bird baths are also very attractive novelties for raccoons. Remove these items and they may stop coming by every night.

These are a few DIY approaches to raccoon-proofing and prevention, but it requires the skill and equipment of a licensed animal control specialist to accurately control a raccoon infestation. Trust them to provide accurate and efficient diagnostics to determine what attracts raccoons to your property, and how to implement certain professional strategies to thwart their return.

If you have raccoons in the attic, or other area of your home, a licensed professional is your only hope. They retain the proper equipment, experience, licensing, and training to safely and humanely remove raccoons and provide minor restorations and repairs.

Raccoon Removal and Control in Indianapolis

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal and control, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control contractor who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

A Brief Introduction to Common Raccoon Diseases

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

The chance of catching a disease or illness from a wild raccoon is rare; so long as you understand and abide by wild animal safety code. Never approach a wild animal; especially one that can be unpredictable, like raccoons, bats, skunks, and more. If you attempt to aggravate an animal, it is more likely they will become threatened and try to attack or bite. Also, provoking a wild animal can force them into self-defense mode; preparing for a fight for their lives.

In other circumstances, there are times when a person can become a victim of a raccoon bite without intentionally irritating the animal first. In all raccoon bite cases, it is important to immediately seek out medical attention. A medic will need to inspect the wound, determine its potential dangers, and administer the proper vaccinations and medications. The reason it is so important to avoid a wild animal accident at all causes, as well as, seek medical attention for any wounds; is the overabundance of disease and illness a person can contract from one small raccoon bite.

Continue reading to learn about the most common diseases a raccoon can carry and pass along to humans and other animals.


Everyone associates the Rabies virus with raccoons, bats, and stray dogs. Unfortunately, this isn’t far from the truth. Raccoons are common carriers of the Rabies virus, and can easily pass it along to other animals and humans. The virus is transferred through saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids. The upside is that there are effective vaccines and treatments for people and animals that have contracted Rabies in some way or another.

Canine Dis-Temper

Canine Dis-Temper is one of the most common viral infections carried and passed along by raccoons, as well as, other wild animals. It is similar to Rabies in that it triggers some of the same symptoms. It is contracted through direct contact, but it is also an airborne virus; making it much more contagious. Often times, domesticated dogs are treated for canine distemper disease. This is probably because canines are curious animals and get themselves into sticky situations when it comes to wildlife.

Raccoons that are infected with this virus evince unusual behavior; such as increased aggression, not fearing humans, facial spasms, convulsions, and more. Any other animal infected with this illness will display the same signs if not treated immediately. Always be sure to get your pets vaccinated to avoid any trouble with infectious diseases; especially if you live near heavily wooded or forested areas.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection. Generally, raccoons pass along the Leptospira bacteria through their urine and other bodily secretions. If an open wound comes into contact with raccoon urine, that person can be vulnerable to contracting this disease. Raccoons like to mark areas and water with their urine, so humans can contract the bacterial infection through direct contact of anything with infected raccoon urine or other fluid. Domesticated animals are known to accidentally ingest it, causing a bacterial spread as well. It causes flu-like symptoms, such as headache, fever, and more. Fortunately, it is treatable in humans and pets, so long as it’s treated right away. If treatment is neglected, death can occur.

Fleas and Ticks

There are several parasites and insects that like to use raccoons as their hosts. Fleas, ticks, roundworm, and more are all possible parasites that can be undesirable for humans and pets. Fleas are tiny flying insects that are commonly found in raccoon fur. Ticks are also external parasites that are acquired just the same as fleas. Ticks like to pinch and dig into the skin of animals and humans; living off blood and other nutrients of their host.
Of course, dogs and cats are commonly known to have flea and ticks just from playing outside.

Raccoons are not the only carrier of fleas and ticks. Animals and humans can come in contact with them almost anywhere. Fleas cause itching, bumpy red skin that can peel, flake, and become highly irritable. The other problem with fleas and ticks is that they are common carriers of certain raccoon diseases. Again, these parasites can be treated. Also, there are numerous vaccinations and preventative medications for domesticated pets to take in order to prevent a life-threatening situation.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control contractor who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate, today.

How Can I Safely Get Rid of Raccoons on My Property?

Raccoon Removal Company Indianapolis

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Raccoon removal can be a complicated job to handle on your own. In fact, it’s highly recommended to always outsource professional wildlife removal services to get rid of raccoons and other wild animals on your property. They retain the proper equipment, tools, experience, and training to safely extract and exclude raccoons. And although raccoons are not likely to attack a human or pet (unless provoked), and not all raccoons are infected with contagious diseases, wild animals are unpredictable by nature. It is safer to appoint the job to a trained and
equipped raccoon control professional.

Although it is advised to have licensed and qualified wildlife control specialist provide raccoon removal services for your home or property, they are still a few do-it-yourself strategies and methods you can implement to assist in hindering raccoons from trespassing onto your property or gaining entry to your home. Continue reading to learn some quick and easy ways you can do your part to prevent nuisance raccoons.

How to Stop Wild Raccoons

There are several easy and safe strategies home and property proprietors can do on their own to stop raccoons from innovating their personal areas. Most of these methods can be done with simple products and ingredients that families already in their cabinets and shelves; while others, may require a quick trip to the home goods store that are sure to show effective results right away. Here are a few helpful ways to get rid of raccoons on your property:

Do Not Leave Pet Food Outdoors

Leaving pet food dishes with dog or cat kibble in them is a common practice that many Americans are accustomed to; however, this is also a perfect way to attract wild raccoons to your house or property. Cat and dog food is a perfect dinner for raccoons. Wild raccoons love the taste of cat and dog kibble and remember where to find it night after night once it’s found. If you have pets that are fed outdoors, be sure to slip the pet dishes inside every night before bedtime. This way, during the day you can still feed your pets outdoors, but at night you are leaving anything outside to attract raccoons and other wildlife to your home. Squirrel feeders are also a tasty treat for raccoons. You may want to think about removing these as well if you are experiencing raccoon problems.

Lock Up Garbage Cans or Keep them Indoors Overnight

If you are the type of person that prefers to take your garbage out the night before trash pickup day, you may also be the type of person that attracts raccoons to your home. A trashcan is like a free buffet for wild raccoons and other critters. Any scraps of food left behind in the garbage can be sniffed out and found by animals. They will rummage and rip through everything inside the containers, leaving a large mess all over the place for the neighbors to see the next morning. The best advice is to bring your garbage cans inside your garages or sheds overnight so that wildlife cannot gain access to them and make a mess all over your driveway.

Be Sure Your Home is Sealed Properly

Wild raccoons are intelligent and thrifty animals. They are one of the most common mammals found in attics, crawlspaces, sheds, roofs, under porches, and more in residential neighborhoods. This is because they are great at finding vulnerable areas and access spots to a home or property. This roof shingles, purposes and window seals, broken hinges on shed doors, and more are all accessible for them. Once they gain entry inside, they have the potential to make quite a mess. After a certain amount of time, you can expect ripped and soiled insulation, floorboards, drywall, ceilings, and more. These methods can be costly and sometimes not covered under homeowners insurance policies. This is why it is important to hire a professional Indianapolis raccoon removal business to thoroughly inspect your home and property to be sure it is animal-proof for the season.

Indianapolis Raccoon Exclusion You Can Trust

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal 317-257-2290

Call 317-257-2290 for non-lethal, economically-priced raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue specialists that provide a long list of wild animal removal and control services for both residential and commercial properties. We also offer emergency service, bat-proofing, and minor restorations for bat damages! Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate, today.

How to Remove a Raccoon Stuck in a Dumpster

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Raccoons are not only aggressive scavengers, they are also very curious critters. For this reason, it is common to find raccoons in all sorts of odd places searching for a meal. In residential communities, raccoons are known to trespass in attics, crawls spaces, porches, garages, sheds, and more. But in commercial settings, one of the most common places to find a stray raccoon is in a dumpster. Dumpsters, after all, are like free food buffets for raccoons. They will go to great lengths just trying to access one, and if successful, they will dig through the garbage for hours looking for any morsel of food they can find.

As a commercial property owner or business manager, it can be disheartening to find a raccoon stuck inside your building’s dumpster. Not only do you feel sad for the little critter, you are fearful of what it can do to you, and anxious about how you are going to handle the issue. Fortunately, there is a very simple way to deal with a raccoon in a dumpster. Continue reading to find out what to do and how to prevent it from happening again.

Always Remain Calm

The first thing you should do when you discover a raccoon stuck in your dumpster is to remain calm. Keep in mind that the raccoon is more afraid of you than you are of it, so do not fear an attack. Raccoons rarely attack, and usually only do so if they are strongly provoked or rabid. Never attempt to touch the raccoon, and never tip or shake the dumpster to persuade the raccoon to move. Simply turn around, walk back inside, and wait to see if the raccoon can get out on its own. If it is truly stuck, move onto the next step: call a wildlife removal company.

Call a Wildlife Removal Company

Once you have seen a raccoon stuck in the dumpster, your next step is to contact a licensed wildlife removal company that offers raccoon control services. They have the knowledge and resources to safely remove the raccoon from the dumpster and relocate it to a faraway natural habitat. Be sure to choose company that retains DNR licensed professionals with extensive experience dealing with raccoons, and who provides safe, humane, non-lethal raccoon extraction and exclusion.

If the Raccoon is NOT Stuck…

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Raccoon Control 317-257-2290

If the raccoon is not stuck, and escapes after you discover it in your dumpster, it is not necessary to contact a wildlife removal company. They can, however, provide professional advice on preventing raccoon problems in the future since you are now aware that raccoon activity is taking place around your building. They will suggest tips like securing your dumpster lids with concrete blocks or locks, or replacing old and worn dumpsters with modern ones.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal

Call 317-257-2290 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal, anytime. We are DNR licensed wildlife control contractor who offer a wide range of residential and commercial wildlife removal services, including 24 hour emergency service, minor attic restorations, cleanup, free estimates, and more. Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate, today.

Get Rid of Raccoons Before Hibernation Season Begins in Indiana!

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-257-2290

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-257-2290

Residential and commercial properties all over Indiana need to start thinking about wildlife removal this winter, in particular, raccoons. Raccoons, as well as other nuisance animals, use our structures and homes for their own homes.

Here, they are guaranteed to breed, feed, nest, and hibernate all winter long at the cost of your home’s structural integrity!

Raccoon Damage is Costly

The amount of structural damages that can accumulate in this time period is incredibly high. Raccoons rip down attic insulation, chew through electrical wiring, saturate particleboard and sheet rock with droppings, and make all other areas their bathroom. And this is just the start of what they are capable of! Raccoon damages are expensive, and require professional demolition and construction for repair. They also require specialized sanitation and decontamination services.

In order to avoid these common raccoon infestation problems, get rid of raccoons before hibernation season begins in Indiana!

Wildlife Animal Removal retains the latest technologies and state of the art equipment to remove and exclude raccoons in commercial and residential locations. We never harm or kill raccoons, and only use safe and humane strategies to capture and release them in their natural habitat. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon control specialists have more than 20 years of experience in the wildlife removal industry. We are the professionals to trust for comprehensive inspection and evacuation of wild raccoons on your property, and all for the right price!

Indianapolis Wildlife Animal Removal

Wildlife Animal Removal offers free estimates, DIY advice, discounts, raccoon cleanup services, attic restorations, structural damage repairs, raccoon proofing, prevention, extraction, exclusion, and much more! We are happy to give you the information you need to protect your home or building from raccoon invasion this winter season! Call 317-257-2290 to request a free estimate for Indianapolis raccoon removal, today.