How to Avoid Wild Animal Encounters Near Your Home

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWild animals are everywhere around us. They rummage through our trash cans, tamper with our landscaping, and empty our gardens. This is understandable because many forest animals have been forced out of their natural habitats due to new construction and housing developments popping up all over the country. Animals such as skunks, deer, raccoons, opossum, and rabbits are a few examples of wild animals commonly seen in residential and commercial areas. Although they are around us and living amongst our communities, does not mean we have to fight them off, or exterminate them. Instead, read on to learn how to avoid wild animal encounters altogether and maintain harmony between humans and nature.

Garbage Control

One easy way to deter wild animals from entering on your property is to manage your trash better. Many residents and homeowners leave their garbage cans outside until trash day. The accumulation of trash expels odors that attract wild animals. To them, a full garbage can is an easy meal. They will rip through the bag and pull out anything that seems tasty to them. This creates a huge mess in your lawn and street. They will also remember that your house is a reliable source of food and continue to come back again and again. To keep animals off your property and avoid encountering them, remove your garbage from outside until the morning of trash pickup. Keep it in a garage or shed, and if that is not an option, use bungee cords to lock the lid on your garbage so it is inaccessible.

Pet Food

Another way to avoid wild animal encounters is to remove any outdoor pet food on your property. Wild animals like raccoons and skunks love the taste of dog and cat food. If you have an outdoor pet or pet house, be sure to not leave their food bowls outdoors, overnight. Again, these animals will remember there is food on your property, and will come back to get it. They can encounter your pets this way as well which can be a dangerous situation.

For more information on avoiding wild animal encounters, call Wildlife Animal Removal in Indianapolis, IN. We are animal control experts with over 15 years of experience. We can answer questions, give advice, and offer free estimates for animal removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. Call us today at 317-257-2290 for wild animal control in Indianapolis, IN.

Stop Squirrels from Stealing Bird Feed

Indiana Squirrel Removal 317-257-2290

Indiana Squirrel Removal

Common knowledge is that squirrels love bird houses, bird feeders, and bird seed. They climb, jump, leap,and crawl to great lengths for a taste of what was meant for our feathered friends. How do we stop squirrels from getting to our bird seed? Well it is actually more achievable than you think! Read on to learn a few simple strategies than can solve your stolen bird seed problem immediately!

Squirrel Dome

A squirrel dome is an attachment that you can put below or above a bird feeder. They can be found at supermarkets, home stores, and online. For bird houses that hang from something above, the dome is placed above the bird feeder. When it’s in place, the squirrel cannot gain traction long enough to climb under the dome and get to the seed. If you have bird houses that are hung from a shorter pole that stakes into the ground, the dome should be placed under the feeder. This way, when squirrels try to climb the staked pole, they can only reach the inside of the dome, and cannot get above it to the bird feeder. A squirrel dome is an inexpensive and immediate solution to conserving your bird feed.

Repellant Spray

There is a product on the market that can be found at home stores, grocery stores, department stores, and pet stores called squirrel repellant spray. It comes in a simple and easy to use spray bottle and is inexpensive to purchase. Although the word “repellant” may seem harsh, it is actually 100% safe for the squirrels and birds. The directions say to spray the solution all over the bird house itself, as well as, the bird seed. The birds do not mind the spray one bit, but the squirrels do not like the taste at all. This deters them from wanting the bird seed in the first place. If it doesn’t taste good, they won’t pursue it!

Give in to the Squirrels

A friendlier approach would be to just give the squirrels their own food. This option is most helpful for home owners with large populations of squirrels living near their property. There are squirrel toys on the market, such as picnic table-shaped squirrel feeders and spinning wheels that entertain families of all ages. Purchasing shelled peanuts and placing them on the opposite side of the yard from the bird feeders can greatly reduce the amount of bird seed you go through.

For more information on squirrel control in Indianapolis, call our professionals at 317-257-2290. We are a locally owned and operated wildlife removal company in Indiana. We are licensed and insured to remove wildlife from commercial and residential properties as well as repair damages caused by wild animals.

Removing Skunk Smell on Your Dog

Removing Skunk Smell in Indiana

Skunk Removal Indianapolis

Skunks are sniffed out more often than they are spotted in our communities. When we are driving down the highway, or sitting on our back porch, we may smell that distinct earthy odor released by local skunks. Once we smell it, we know exactly what it is right away. The sour putrid smell of skunk is one of the most recognizable odors in the outdoors. One common curios skunk victim is your pet dog. Dogs are commonly sprayed by skunks because their curiosity provokes the skunk and they get sprayed wherever they are sniffing. This means dogs are mostly sprayed in the face. If you detect skunk odor on your dog, follow these simple steps to aid the dog, remove the smell, and prevent similar accidents from happening again.

Check Your Dog’s Face

As mentioned before, dogs are usually hit right in the face because this is the area of the skunk they were sniffing out to begin with. Because of this common occurrence, as soon as you smell skunk on your dog, check his face immediately. The chemicals in the skunk spray can irritate a dog’s nose, ears, throat, mouth, and eyes. Check out all these areas, and rinse them with water if they were indeed sprayed. Once they are rinsed, if the eyes are still red, or if the dog still acts agitated, see your vet right away.

No Water

Most people want to start rinsing the fur right away to rid the smell. DO NOT pour water on the dog’s coat. Water will soften and open the pores on its skin allowing the skunk smell to seep in and burn. This can cause future skin irritations and more.

Cleaning Solutions

To clean the dog and get rid of the skunk odor, mix together a solution made up of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. For smaller dogs, use three quarters of a bottle of peroxide mixed with 3-5 tablespoons of baking soda. For medium dogs use twice the amount, and for larger dogs, triple it. Once the solution is mixed, gently scrub the solution all over your dog. Rinse before the solutions sits for more than five minutes on your dog. Repeat this step as many times as you need to remove the smell. It is recommended to do this step outside to prevent stinking up your home. Also, wear dish washing gloves to protect your hands. If the stink is persistent, you may need to contact your vet for prescription shampoos and ointments to discard the odor.

Preventing Skunk Spraying Accidents

If you have had multiple skunk spray situations, or smell a skunk more than a few times a month, you will need professional skunk removal services. Skunk control in Indiana is safe and humane. Trappers safely capture and release these critters and relocate them to a safer and more remote area where they will not be bothered.

For more information on skunk removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana, call 317-257-2290 today. We are a licensed and insured wildlife removal company in Indianapolis that have been in the business for over ten years. Trust us to handle your skunk problems this season!

Home Owners’ Insurance and Attic Restorations from Animal Damage

Indianapolis Wild Animal Removal and Repair 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Wild Animal Removal and Repair 317-257-2290

Often times enough, after wild animals invade your Indiana home, it’s the attics and crawl spaces that take the brunt of the damages left behind. When I say “damages” it’s worse than it actually sounds. The damages these Indiana wild animals cause, such as bats, squirrels, raccoons, birds, and other wildlife, are things like droppings, urine, nesting debris, and dead carcasses. This stuff can cause serious health issues if it is not cleaned and restored right away. These leftover messes can cause serious health issues, especially for people with weak or troubled immune systems. If you have a wildlife infestation in your home, attic, or crawl space, it is very important to get the areas inspected and restored by a professional wildlife removal company. Leftover bacteria and other messes can cause extensive structural damage to your Indiana home, as well as continue to pose a health threat to you and your family.

Attic Restorations from Animal Damage

If the house, crawl space, or attic does show evidence of infestation and damages from wildlife, then it is recommended that you hire a restoration and decontamination company to fix the areas by a licensed company in Indiana. These types of jobs are performed best by a professional animal removal company. They specialize specifically in animal damages and can work with your insurance companies as well. A regular cleaning company or contractor will not take the right steps to prevent an infestation from reoccurring, nor do they have the proper equipment and licenses to actually cure the problem. There are several animal removal companies to choose from, but a local Indiana owned animal removal business with at least ten years of experience is the best option to look for. The bigger wildlife removal companies are expensive and not customer-oriented, so trust a smaller animal control company.

Now, many home owners are not aware that their insurance company covers animal damages and infestations, however, there are always clauses on which type of animals are covered in your plan. It differs state to state and company to company, so always check with your insurance agent to be sure.

Cost of Animal Removal and Wildlife Damage Restoration

The cost of animal removal and structural repair usually depends on the square footage and the amount of damage of the areas contaminated. It is best to get an estimate first. Damage expenses can range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. It can get more costly when things like electrical wiring, air conditioning ducts, and roof damage needs fixed.

Contamination is one thing, but damages are another. Animals like raccoons can cause structural damage in a very short amount of time. They are strong animals and tear through attic insulation, roofing, exposed wires, stored property and boxes, plumbing, and anything else exposed or within reach. These damages are costly as well. Don’t ever waste anytime correcting an animal infestation because the longer it’s there, the more expensive the repair.

Don’t wait to fix an animal invasion problem. And if you haven’t been invaded by animals yet, but live near wooded lots or trash receptacles, contact your home owners’ insurance company to see what your coverage is for animal damages. It is better to know where you’re protected and where you stand if your home, attic, or crawl space is damaged by wildlife.

Professional Wild Animal Removal Services in Indianapolis

For more information about wild animal damages and restoration in Indianapolis, call Wildlife Removal today. You can reach a professional wildlife removal and repair specialist, day or night, at 317-257-2290.  We are highly trained, licensed, and experienced animal control technicians that retain the industry knowledge and the latest technologies to safely and humanely remove wild animals from residential or commercial properties all over Indiana.  Visit our website at for more details about animal damages and insurance claims in Indianapolis, Indiana today.