Are Turtles a Pest Problem?

Turtles are wonderful creatures found on every continent in the world, excluding Antarctica of course. There are nearly 300 species of turtle, the majority of which are found in North America. Turtles come in various different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns; making them easily distinguishable simply by their unique characteristics. Some turtles are somewhat difficult to recognize at first glance, so onlookers must review their underbelly (plastron) shields for accurate identification. It is common for residential and commercial property owners to spot a turtle or two nearby; so it is understandable for them to ask whether or not they pose a potential problem in regards to pest control. Continue reading to learn about turtles and their behavioral, ecological, and environmental influences.

More on Turtles

A permanent body of water is a turtle’s favorite habitat. If you have property near an ocean, pond, lake, irrigation canal, creek, river, or any other body of water, you are likely to find turtles nearby if the season is right. Their diets consists of plant life, small aquatic prey, and insects. They are moderately aggressive when it comes to catching their meals. They prefer fish mostly; but are known to chow down on crayfish, water weeds, carrion, and several insects. If your property retains a body of water with organisms such as these, you are going to encounter a turtle or two, eventually.

So the question remains on whether or not turtles are a pest problem, and if they pose a threat to the well-being of a property. The short answer to this is, not likely. As a heads ups, remember that turtles lay their eggs in the early spring. This means their hatchlings will be born in the late summer. You are likely to spot the most turtles in the early fall season. This is when you can determine if you have a larger-than-life turtle population on your hands, or just a few friendly creatures making good use of your pond.

In all cases, turtles are not known to cause trouble to residential or commercial landscapes. In fact, they are relatively beneficial to our surrounding ecosystem and environment. They kill diseased or weakened fish, and cleanup all animal decay and waste matter. This means they are keeping ponds clean for us! The only economic problem with turtles are their populations in Southern rice fields. Their seedling consumption greatly reduces the crop yield every season. Other than that, turtles are safe to have on our properties! Just try to avoid touching or trapping them; they can carry diseases, bacteria, and even bite. Also keep in mind that a license is required to legally trap, fish, or sell turtles. It is highly discourages to ever kill or torture turtles as well!

Wildlife Removal Indianapolis

Call Wildlife Animal Removal at 317-257-2290 for professional animal control services in Indianapolis, Indiana or its nearby counties. We are highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife removal specialists with decades of experience in the animal control industry. We provide a wide-range of animal control and removal services, including restorations and cleanups, for all species of wildlife in Indiana. We offer free estimates, DIY advice, free information, and are insurance compatible! Call 317-257-2290 for fast and secure wildlife removal in Indianapolis, IN today.

How to Keep Skunks Away

Skunks are fascinating animals; however, their means of defense can sometimes be undesirable to home and property owners. If you experience problems with skunks last spring, and you are wondering how to approach the issue this year, this is the blog for you. We know that if we smell that signature skunk odor, there may be skunks. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent skunks from trespassing onto your property. All you have to do is make your yard less attractive to wild animals, especially skunks.

Skunk Removal and Prevention

Interestingly enough, residential front porches and patios are the most common areas where skunks are found. No one really knows why, but this is their favorite spot. So the first thing you want to do if you suspect there’s a skunk on your property, to check this area. If this sounds like an uncomfortable task for you, simply contact a local skunk removal service, or wildlife control company, for professional assistance. You, or the professional skunk removal technician, should quickly feel up any access points to these areas.

The important part of this job is to be sure that the skunks are not still underneath the porch or patio. A professional animal control technician will use his skills and knowledge to extract skunks from these areas, or others, and then facilitate proper sealing procedures to prevent future access. This is an important part of skunk removal and prevention because, believe it or not, skunks can fit into extremely small crevices and cracks. It’s highly recommended to outsource a professional wildlife removal and control company for skunk removal because they have all the proper tools to safely implement these needs. Here are a few tips to prevent skunks from sniffing out your property this spring and summer:

• Removed Outdoor Pet Food and Dishes
• Seal or Remove Outdoor Garbage or Trash Cans
• Apply Store-Bought Skunk Repellent to the Parameters of the Front and Backyard
• Make Homemade Skunk Repellent Solution and Apply to Yard
• Mow or Trim Large-cap weeds or Grass Where Wildlife Likes to Hide
• Seal All Access Points on Property
• Hire a Wildlife Removal Company to Animal-Proof

Skunk Animal Removal

Call Wildlife Animal Removal at 317-257-2290 and speak with the professional skunk removal technician in Indianapolis, Indiana today. We are highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife control technicians with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We only use safe and humane methods to remove, extract, or prevent wild animals from trespassing onto commercial and residential properties. In addition, we provide several other animal removal services for all types of wildlife. We also offer free estimates, emergency services, repairs and cleanups, residential services, commercial services, and we are compatible with most homeowners’ insurance policies. Contact Wildlife Animal Removal at 317-257-2290 for more information about skunk removal services and prevention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

When Raccoons Leave Your House, Are They Really Gone for Good?

Raccoons appear cute and cuddly, but when they threaten the well-being of your home, it’s a different story. Raccoons are known to seek out shelter in residential and commercial areas for protection from harsh weather, predators, and to breed. This invasion can cause a detrimental amount of interior and exterior building and property damages. When we know raccoons are invading our property, we want to immediately eliminate the problem in the safest way possible. The best option in this case would be to hire a professional raccoon removal and control company. Be sure they are licensed and insured, retain proper equipment, and most importantly, use safe and humane methods to extract raccoons from a residential or commercial property. Raccoons are intelligent and fascinating critters that do not deserve to be killed or harmed in any way.

Professional animal control companies that are reputable and trusted never harm or kill raccoons. In most cases, they do not even trap raccoons; instead, they use a comprehensive method of extraction to force raccoons out of a building or property. So know that you know safe and humane raccoon control is available and effective, it is time to learn what causes raccoons to return. Continue reading to see why raccoons might return to a property after being extracted or removed wither professionally or on your own.

Returning Raccoons

Yes a professional raccoon control technician can effectively remove raccoons from a property; however, they cannot be there in the everyday lives of property owners to ensure they are not tempting raccoons back on their property. You see, there are several habits and practices that a person or family can do that attract wild animals. Even if the raccoons left, they will come back if home and property owners do not change what attracted them in the first place. For example, leaving trash outside is a huge no-no when it comes to getting rid of raccoons. Leaving food scraps, dog food, or garbage outside and accessible to animals is like giving raccoons an open invitation for a free meal. People who take the trash out the night before trash day are frequent targets for raccoons. Raccoons are nocturnal and look for food at night. It is better to wait and take the trash out on the day of trash pickup. This way, there is no threat of raccoon encounters.

Another example involves home structure and security. If raccoons invaded a property the first time by squeezing through loose roof shingles or prying open vulnerable dry wall into an attic; chances are they can accomplish this again if necessary precaution aren’t taken. It is important to do a thorough inspection of the home to seal and patch up all vulnerable spots; such as windows, roof shingles, decks, porches, crawl spaces, dry wall, locks, and more. If these areas are still weak, raccoons will find their way back inside a house or building for shelter. It is important to not leave food outside, seal up all vulnerable or exposed areas of a property, and apply non-poisonous raccoon repellant sprays to thwart raccoons from returning to your property. If using repellant, avoid moth-ball or urine-based formulas. These can be dangerous to humans, pets, and other animals, and they are ineffective.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

If you are interested in learning more about professional Indianapolis raccoon removal and control, call 317-257-2290 today. Wildlife Removal Indianapolis provides the safest and most effective raccoon removal and control services in Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured animal control technicians with more than 20 years of experience in the wildlife control industry. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. We are a family owned and operated business that offers the best rates for animal removal in town. We also offer emergency animal control services, attic restoration and repair, prevention services, animal damage clean up, and much more. Call us today at 317-257-2290 to get a free estimate for raccoon control services in Indianapolis, IN and its nearby counties.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels

Squirrels can be a nuisance to property owners; especially homes that are located near wooded areas. If you are experiencing a squirrel problem, it may be time to consider your options. The faster you take action, the less damage and mess is likely to occur. You see, squirrels can cause structural damages, steal bird feed, and create a mess in the residential and even commercial areas. Cleaning up after and repairing damages caused by squirrels is frustrating and tedious. So how do you avoid running into a squirrel problem on your property? The answer is simple! Continue reading to learn a few tips and advices about how to get rid of squirrels in your lawn or garden.

Stop Nuisance Squirrels

Not only can squirrels destroy landscaping and gardens, they can also chew through wiring, find their way into attics, tear through insulation, and much more. It is crucial to stop squirrels before an infestation gets out of control. Here are some tips to getting rid of squirrels in or around your residential or commercial property:

• Replace Old Bird Feeders with Squirrel-Proof Feeders

• Trim Long Tree Branches or Limbs that Hang Near a Roof

• Install Strobe Lights or Bright Flashers in Attics and Roofs

• Squirrel-Proof the Property in the Daytime when Squirrels are Out Foraging Food (i.e. close up holes in roofs, drywall, ceilings, garages, and more)

• Purchase and Administer Squirrel Repellant Solutions and Products

• Call a Licensed Wildlife Control Company for Advice or Assistance

Squirrel Removal and Control in Indianapolis, Indiana

If you are experiencing a squirrel infestation problem in Indianapolis, Indiana, call our professionals at 317-257-2290 today. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control technicians with more than 20 years of experience in the animal control industry. We use safe and humane methods of effective squirrel removal and control at the most affordable rates in town. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. Reliable squirrel removal services in Indianapolis, IN are just a phone call away; just dial 317-257-2290 and be on your way to a squirrel-free zone in no time.

Quick Guide to Homemade Raccoon Repellant

Raccoons can be a nuisance animal all-year long. Although they typically hibernate in winter, there are several cases of raccoon infestation within residential and commercial properties all over the country. This winter, be prepared by safeguarding your property from wild animal intrusions with a few simple homemade remedies. Continue reading to learn some recipes for homemade raccoon repellant and protect your home from nuisance raccoons this season and the next.

Homemade Raccoon Repellant Recipe

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-257-2290

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-257-2290

There are various home-based items that can be used alone, or in combination, to thwart wild raccoons from entering your outdoor property, and inside areas too. Loose siding, vents, windows, soffits, and any other exterior openings that allow access indoors should be shut, locked, and covered before the cold season begins. This way, raccoons cannot get inside your home or property if they do trespass into your yard. Use wire mesh fences to block gardens and other outdoor areas that may attract raccoons. All this plus a good DIY raccoon repellant can ensure a raccoon-free winter. Here are some household products that can be used alone, or in conjunction, to repel raccoons from entering your premises:


Peppers can be used to make a repellant spray for raccoons. It is suggested to use two quarts of water, peppers, onions, and about a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Bring this mixture to a boil for fifteen minutes then strain the liquid and transfer it into a spray bottle.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-257-2290

Now you have a homemade raccoon replant that can be used to create a protective border around your property! Just spray the pepper solution around the house, lawn, garden, and trash cans to keep raccoons away. Be sure to re-spray if it rains, as well as, every few days to maintain its effectiveness.


On top of peppers and onion, there are other spices that can prevent raccoon intrusion. For example, spices such as cinnamon, black pepper, hot pepper seasoning, and more can irritate a raccoon’s senses, therefore, influencing it to keep its distance from your property. Just sprinkle a mixture of the seasonings around the border of your property, and other areas of your yard and garden, to prevent raccoons from coming back.


Indianapolis Raccoon Removal Services 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal Services 317-257-2290

For home or property owners with fireplaces, it is suggested to place a small bowl of ammonia inside to keep raccoons from climbing into the chimney. Once all raccoons have left a chimney shoot, be sure to close the opening to prevent them from coming back. For other areas of a property, tie cloths or rags into balls and soak them in ammonia. Place the ammonia-soaked cloth balls anywhere in or around your property where raccoons are trespassing.

Sound, Light, and Sprinkler Systems

Other than actual solutions and recipes, there are a few other techniques to keep raccoons off your yard. Motion activated sprinkler systems and lights are a great tool for raccoon removal. Also, a loud radio or sound system can disturb them, encouraging them to find quitter shelter.

Indianapolis Wildlife Removal Services

For more information about raccoon removal in Indianapolis, Indiana, call 317-257-2290 today. Wildlife Removal Indianapolis specializes in raccoon control and services. They retain the latest technologies and equipment to provide superior residential or commercial animal removal and control. We are DNR licensed and insured, with more than 25 years of experience in the animal control industry. Visit our webpage at for details about our services and company credentials. Get rid of raccoons for good in Indianapolis, IN by calling our professional raccoon removal technicians at 317-257-2290 today!

How to Get Rid of Pesky Yard Moles

Animal Mole Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-257-2290

Animal Mole Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-257-2290

Unfortunately, moles have the potential and reputation to be very destructive little critters; causing a substantial amount of yard and garden damage on residential and commercial properties. They are very active and can work all day if they so choose. In just one night, a mole can dig up to three hundred feet underground! That is a lot of damage for just one mole. They can also double, triple, and quadruple their colony size in just a few weeks.

This is why it is important to get rid of moles as soon as you are aware of an infestation problem. Continue reading to learn about how to safely and humanely get rid of moles in residential or commercial lawns and gardens.

Humane Mole Removal

Mole removal is not advised as a DIY job, and requires the assistance of a professional animal control company. This is because they retain the industry training and knowledge; as well as, tools, equipment, and permits to capture or remove any animal infestation issue. Once a reputable company is contacted, the following is most likely to occur:

Assessment of Current Mole Damage
Locating Mole Tunnels
Determining Active and Non-Active Tunnels
Setting Bait Traps
Trapping Moles
Removing and Relocating Wild Moles
Repair and Restoration
Lawn Care Referrals
Moles Prevention

There is never a reason to trap and kill moles or any other animal considered to be a pest. In some states, it is illegal to kill these types of animals.

Indianapolis Animal Mole Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Animal Mole Removal 317-257-2290

In other jurisdictions, one must carry a licensed or permit to shoot and hunt small animals. Trust a reputable wildlife removal company that specializes in safe and humane animal control to protect and preserve Nature’s wildlife.

For more information about animal mole removal in Indiana, call Wildlife Removal Indianapolis at 317-257-2290 today! Our highly trained and qualified animal control technicians are DNT licensed and insured with over 20 years of experience trapping and removing wild animals in Indiana. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. Call 317-257-229 for information about animal mole removal and more in Indianapolis, IN and any of its surrounding cities, counties, and neighborhoods.

Types of Property Damages Caused By Wild Animals

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis 317-257-2290

Wildlife Removal and Control Indianapolis 317-257-2290

There are various types of wild animals capable of damaging our homes, lawns, gardens, and more; however, in residential areas, there is a more specific group to watch out for, especially in Indiana. Animals such as pigeons, moles, rabbits, raccoons, bats, and snakes are popular deviants that trespass onto our properties and leave behind costly messes. Continue reading to learn about each species and the damages they are known to inflict on residential properties in Indianapolis, IN.


Raccoons are among the most intelligent North American mammals found in forested and wooded residential areas. They are very clever and can use their highly dexterous paws to open doors, dig through trash, climb rooftops, and more. Raccoons are nocturnal as well; meaning they rest during the day and stay active at night. They feed on anything, from small invertebrates and insects, to outdoor dog food! They are known to gain access into homes and tear up attic and crawl spaces. They use these areas during the cold seasons for protection against the weather and to breed their young. This can create a very expensive mess to clean up and restore. Raccoons can saturate and contaminate dry wall and wood beams with urine and droppings. These droppings also contain harmful agents that can cause disease and illness in humans and pets. They can also chew through electrical wiring, rip off roof shingles, and much more. Raccoons are a problem that should be dealt with immediately to avoid costly repairs and renovations.


Bats are just the same as raccoons. They are nocturnal and do all their dirty work while we are fast asleep. They are so tiny that they can find access inside our homes through the smallest of crevices. Roof shingles can be slipped in to, as well as, cracked windows, loose siding, garages, and storage sheds. They seek out shelter for breeding, mating, and feeding purposes. Bats are significant and useful mammals to have around in the summer because they can consume around 100 insects in one hour. This is great bug control! On the other hand, we do not want them damaging our homes. This is another example of a problem that has to be handled immediately before more and more damage accrues.


Pigeons are simply messy. They commonly flock in large numbers; and when they choose to use your rooftop as a resting point, let’s just say they can paint the roof a matte white once they’re through. Pigeon clean up services are readily available, so there is no need to fret about the mess. Also, there really is no way to refrain pigeons from using your house as a toilet. Try to reduce any elements that may be attracting birds to your property, or call a professional wildlife removal expert for advice.


Snakes can become a threat to small children or pets on your property. If you are spotting snakes frequently, it may be time to take some action. Snakes can also negatively affect gardens, flower patches, and landscaping; so it is recommended to get rid of them fast. There are various snake repellants on the market that seem to work quite well. If you are not a do-it-yourself kind of person, a professional wildlife removal tech is happy to oblige.

Moles, Squirrels, Rabbits, and Chipmunks

Moles, rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels are all small and furry; but they can leave a bad impression on lawn and garden lovers. These small critters like to burrow, dig, eat, and steal in gardens and lawns. Flowers, mulch patches, fruits, vegetables, and fresh lain sod are all at risk if these animals are frequent visitors to your lawn. Again, trust a professional that retains the proper equipment and knowledge to capture and release these animals so that they are no longer a bother to you.

For more information about wildlife control and removal in Indianapolis, call 317-257-2290 today. We are licensed and qualified wild animal control specialists with over 30 years of experience in the animal control industry. We work with raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, bats, moles, chipmunks, snakes, skunks, and much more! Visit our website at for details about our services and how we can help. Dependable and affordable wildlife removal and control services in Indianapolis, IN are just a phone call away!

How to Get Rid of Snakes in Your Lawn or Garden

Indianapolis Snake Removal 317-257-2290

Indianapolis Snake Removal 317-257-2290

Wild animal encounters can be frightening, especially when it involves snakes. Snakes are considered a threat because we know they can lunge, snap, and bite us if we come too close. Also, some snakes are poisonous, while others are not; a gamble no one likes to take. These are reasons why it is important to remove snakes from your property, especially if you have pets or children. If you are experiencing frequent snake spotting, then take some advice on how to get rid of them quick, without harming them, yourself, or your wallet!

Snake Repellants

One way to get rid of snakes is to thwart their interest in your property altogether. On the market today, there are products and repellants you can purchase to reduce visiting snakes on your lawn. These products are often found in powders, sprays, and oils. They contain smells and scents that snakes simply do not like. For example, these repellants contains ingredients such as cedar oil, sulfur, clove oil, and even cinnamon! Repellants are known to work really well and can be easily purchased online, or at your local home or gardening store.

Snake Traps

Snake traps are a bit more tedious, but still very effective. They are perfect for catching snakes during the daytime and the night. They can be set near gardens and other areas of high interest for snakes. The traps are like cages; they allow snakes to enter, but do not allow them to exit. This is a safe and humane way to trap and get rid of snakes. Once you have some snakes trapped, simply take them into the country, woods, forest, or other faraway places that are safe and suitable environments for snakes, and release them.

Animal Control

If you are terrified of snakes, as many people are, or you just don’t have the time or energy to deal with the situation, call a local snake removal company. An expert wildlife control technician retains the proper equipment and industry knowledge to remove snakes safely and humanely. They are trained specialists that can facilitate these jobs pretty quick. Look below for information about a local Indianapolis wildlife removal company that can give you advice or service for effective snake removal.

Call Wildlife Removal Indianapolis at 317-257-2290 for a free estimate or advice on getting rid of snakes today! We are highly trained and licensed animal control experts that have decades of experience removing a wide variety of wild animals, including snakes. Visit our website at for information about our services and more. We can give you information or advice on anything from what to do during a wild animal encounter to grub removal service. Our services are endless, so call us for details about snake removal in Indianapolis, IN right away.

How to Keep Wild Animals Out of Your Garden

Keep Wild Animals Out of your Garden in Indianapolis, IN

Wildlife Removal Indianapolis 317-257-2290

Garden hobbyists everywhere can relate with one other on the struggle to keep wild animals out of their gardens. It is an ongoing battle with Mother Nature to protect and sustain our bountiful gardens. Little critters, such as moles, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, snakes, and more; can all be a threat to your produce and flora. Although cute to admire in nature, these animals are not welcome in our vegetable and flower patches! Continue reading to learn methods on how to keep wild animals out of your garden for good.

Using Wild Animal Repellant Products

Animal repellants and sprays are a common option when it comes to stopping animal intrusion in your backyards and gardens. Many people think these products are dangerous to humans and the environment; but in fact, they are not. Animal repellant solutions and sprays are specifically designed to be Earth friendly, organic, and safe for human consumption. They are simply formulated to deter animals from enjoying the taste of the produce or to thwart them from entering the property. Some products are urine based, giving the illusion there are predators around. Common urine based products are Coyote or Fox urine. Smaller animals that steal from our gardens will believe there is a predator lurking in your yard and will go elsewhere for food. Other repellants are natural organic liquids that are used on the soil in the garden. It penetrates the roots and changes the way the plant or vegetable tastes to the animal. It does not; however, change the taste for humans and eventually wears off.

Not Using Wildlife Removal Repellants and Sprays

If you are still concerned with using a manufactured product to keep wild animals out of your garden, there are some other ideas to try. Imitating or replicating a predator on your property can thwart animals from trespassing altogether. For example, you can use human hair to scatter around the perimeter of your property. Animals will recognize this as a danger zone, and will not return out of fear and precaution. The hair decomposes naturally and you can get as much as you like from your local barber. Another option is to adopt a dog or puppy. Dogs are natural protectors and loyal to their families. Having a dog run around the backyard will prevent animals from entering your property. Just be sure to train your puppy not to eat your garden too!

For more information on how to keep wild animals out of your garden, ask a professional at Wildlife Removal Indianapolis. We are expert animal control specialists with years of experience in the wildlife removal industry. Our animal control technicians are highly trained to provide a wide variety of services for residential and commercial properties in Indiana. Visit our website at, or call us today at 317-257-2290 and learn how to keep wild animals out of your garden in Indianapolis, IN.

Grub Removal Leads to Mole Removal

Animal mole removal IndianapolisGardening enthusiasts are well aware of the troubles that come along with moles and other small rodents disturbing their beautiful gardens. No gardener should have to give up their harvests to wild nuisances. When it comes to getting rid of moles in gardens, there is an entirely different place to start. Read on to learn how to get rid of moles in your garden for good!

Get Rid of the Grubs

When it comes to mole removal in gardens and backyards, there is only one effective place to start; and that’s to get rid of the grubs! Grubs, also known as scarabs, are small worm-like larvae of June beetles and other similar insects. Vegetable gardeners should know about these critters very well. They live in nutrient rich soil and thrive on plants and other organic matter. Not only do they create a very serious threat on your harvest, they attract an even more problematic critter, moles!

In order to get rid of moles in a garden, a person first has to tackle their grub infestation. There are many ways to do this, but it is best to follow up on research to ensure an environmentally safe approach. It is not recommended to use pesticides and insecticides on garden eatables. Instead, many garden buffs are heading down the Milky Spore highway.

Milky Spores for Mole Removal

Milky spores are a bacterium that lives in soil. It is a predator to grubs and other larvae. These spores are available at virtually any local market or home gardening store. They are applied manually to the surface of the soil in the garden. The ideal time to do this is late summer time when the grubs first hatch. As the weather turns, the grubs move deeper in to the ground. Milky spores are a safe and effective remedy to grub infestation. When the mole’s food source is diminished, they will leave as well. Get rid of their food source to get rid of moles!

To learn more about animal mole removal in Indianapolis, IN, call Wildlife Animal Removal at 317-257-2290 today. We are licensed and experienced animal removal specialists with over twenty years of experience in the wild animal control industry. We only use safe and humane methods to capture and release wild animals from residential and commercial properties. We offer expert advice, free estimates, and 24 hour emergency service too! Visit our Indianapolis Mole Removal webpage at for more information.